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Kairos Macaeleryn

High Cleric, Master of Knowledge

High Priest Kairos is a patient and learned Moon Elf, dedicated to the service and knowledge spreading under the guidance and teachings of Labelas Enoreth.   Similar in personality to that of the God he serves, Kairos is patient; wise and enjoys acting as an instructor to pass on the knowledge he has garnered undre the tutorlage of Labelas. He teaches the young and the old, the wise and the naive without judgement, believing all deserve the chance to learn.   Gifted with an understanding of time beyond time, he acts as a record keeper; a teacher; a sage and a historian to gather information from across the ages to better educate the Elven people.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kairos is a handsome older Elven male with long blue-black hair which is silvering slightly at the roots, it hangs to his mid-back but is often kept in a single long braid. He has one piercing blue eye and one misty-grey which glimmers with a touch of arcane awareness.   He is often seen clad in multi-coloured robes of blue, green, grey and white, carrying a quarterstaff of gnarled Feybark, encrusted with an amethyst in the top; and carries an elegant time piece in his pocket.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kairos is a well mannered and polite Moon Elf, he has lived on Var'Bellenaris for the last 300 years in service to the Avatar of Labelas Enoreth.   He is married to the High Priestess of Shevarash, Zyraleth.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Current Residence
Temple of Labelas, Var'Bellenaris
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Elvish, Sylvan


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