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Labelas Enoreth (LAB-el-as EN-or-eth)

Lord of the Continuum

The Elven deity charged with maintaining the orderly passage of time and guarding against those who would alter the path of history. Together with Sehanine Moonbow, he oversees the long life span of the Elven people, and their lives after they have left the mortal realm.   Labelas is a philosopher, a patient teacher, and an instructor who gives wisdom and knowledge to young and old alike.   He has good relations with the rest of the Seldarine, though he often gets impatient with Erevan Ilesere's tricks.   He is allied to several gods of knowledge, such as Oghma, and is starkly opposed to gods of entropy; decay and those who promote undeath.   Often appearing as only having one eye, while the other is covered by a patch, it is rumoured that he traded one in exchange for the ability to see through the time stream.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Knowledge


Timestave, a magical quarterstaff that ages or rejuvenates those who are struck with it, at the discretion of the wielder.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Setting sun

Tenets of Faith

Often praised but rarely invoked, those who worship Labelas are those with a keen interest in ideas and knowledge, and the change wrought by the passage of time: sages; historians; philosophers and librarians.   His priests are responsible for educating the young and promoting and acquiring knowledge. They are also record keepers and historians. They meet in groves at sunset to pray, meditate and mark the passing of another day by sharing prayers and knowledge. They are often clad in light grey robes.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The march of time is inexorable, but the blessings of the Lifegiver enable the children of Corellon Larethian to live long and fruitful lives, unmarked by the passage of the years. Record and preserve the lessons of history, and draw lessons from that which has unfolded. In the end, the sun always sets before the next day dawns anew.   When you follow Labelas's teachings, time is often on your side.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the God:

While in his avatar form, Labelas appears as an androgynous Elf with silver-coloured hair, brushing just beyond shoulder length; and has a single misty-grey coloured eye, the other being covered by an eyepatch. He is often seen clad in a multi-coloured robe of blue, grey, green and white.


When not in his avatar form, Labelas has been known to take the following form as well:
  • A mist of swirling, glimmering grey which is capable of aging, or more commonly, revitalising creatures and objects enveloped within him.
Divine Classification
God of the Seldarine
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the Continuum, The Lifegiver, The One-Eyed God, The Philosopher, The Sage at Sunset


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