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The Clergy of the Seldarine

The Theocratic sect of governmental power within the Empire of the Rune Keepers is overseen by the Clergy of the Seldarine. The Seldarine is the major most religion of the Empire and features in every city and town to some degree, some more than others.   There is a Temple District in each major city. Within these Districts are temples dedicated to each of the twelve members of The Seldarine with Priests, Priestesses members of the High Clergy overseeing them.   Within each temple there is a hierarchy of the clergy including the following:
  • Initiates
  • Aspirants/Apprentices
  • Novices
  • Priests/Priestesses
  • High Priests/High Priestesses
The High Priests and Priestesses of the temples are referred to as the High Clergy and are the driving force behind much of the Empire's political power. The High Clergy alone have the authority to keep the senate of Magisters in line, and are able to oversee any laws or changes they wish to implement before they are put in place.   The High Clergy are, for all intents and purposes, the main leadership of the Empire and while there is for some the illusion that this power is shared with the Magocracy the truth is that the Clergy vet who can become a Magister; elect to remove someone from office; overrule laws and instruct the Magisters to act according to their whims.   Each major settlement has a High Clergy made up of twelve individuals, one High Priest or Priestess per temple. But it is not uncommon to find a High Clergy member in some of the smaller settlements as well, even in a location where they may have only one temple, there will always be a High Clergy member dedicated to the protection and guidance of the populace.     However, the High Clergy do have superiors they too must answer to. While they deal with the running of the Empire and overseeing the growth and preservation of the Seldarine worship, they gain guidance; clarity and instruction from the rarely seen and even more rarely heard of High Priests and High Priestesses of Var'Bellenaris. This city is an off Plane Temple City, completely dedicated to the divines of the Seldarine, and they are the highest order and position any clergy member could hope to attain.   The Temple City of Var'Bellenaris has not been seen on the Material Plane for well over 200 years, as they only emerge to deal with the most dangerous of threats to the Empire and Seldarine.
Religious, Holy Order
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


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