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Var'Bellenaris (VAR-bell-IN-ah-ris)

This city is one of the lesser known locations of the The Empire of the Runekeepers, as the majority of the time it is somewhat "absent" from the Material Plane. The last time the city was actively seen was around two hundred years ago, and while for many of the Elven peoples of the Empire that is a relatively short period of time, it is long enough that visitors from other Empires may have long forgotten it even existed. It is treated as one of the great secrets of the Empire.   Known colloquially as the "Temple City". This is because it houses the 12 key temples of the Seldarine, the largest and most divinely powered and connected temples they have built in their names. It is overseen and caretaken by the highest of the High Clergy, those whom have served beyond all recognition to the point of dealing directly with the Champions, Chosen and Avatars of the Gods.


Var'Bellenaris is run exclusively by the High Clergy of the Seldarine, the highest of the High Priests and Priestesses who have served their Gods with such dedication that they have reached the highest positions of authority and theocratic worship possible.   They live within the city and work within the temples, constantly in connection to the Gods they serve and able to pass down the information, wisdom and guidance they recieve to the High Clergy of the Rune Keepers to aid in the protection, culviation and prosperity of their people.


Var'Bellenaris is equipped with a permanent, unseen barrier of divine energy powered by the will of the 12 Elven Gods. This barrier prevents any unwanted teleportation from taking place, and can block external assaults with ease.


Temple Disrict:
  At the core of Var'Bellenaris are the 12 temples of the Seldarine, these vast cathederal-like structures cover the vast majority of the cityscape and are dedicated entirely to the domains, tenets and guidance of the Gods they are dedicated to.  
Residential District:
  Beyond the central core of the city, a spattering of housing is present for the Clergy and their families to dwell within. The homes are comfortable, functional and cater to their needs.  
Merchant and Trade District:
  The smallest district of the city which dwells near its teleportation circles, this amalgamation of shops and trade centers are designed purely for interaction with the Rune Keepers and those who seek pilgrimage to the temple city. The district is often closed while off Plane as it has no purpose without people to use it.


Stores In The Merchant District:

The Sage's Whisper:
An alchemy store owned and run by an Elven woman known as Lythmae Thren. She is a Wood Elf, seemingly in her late 100s, with long black hair and dark green eyes.  
Pure Locks:
A hairstylists dedicated to the maintanance of traditional Elven hairstyles. Owned and run by married couple, Cedar and Pyper Vilit. Cedar is a male Sun Elf with elaborately long and braided golden hai, and startling blue eyes. Pyper is a female Wood Elf with a short bob of brunette hair and warm brown eyes.  
Honey Butter Bakery:
A cosy bakery-cafe with a rustic appearance, selling a number of homemade treats with tea and coffee. Owned by Malanthyr Dhyle, an elderly Moon Elf gentleman in his mid 600s. He is assisted by his grandson, Lanthyr who is a young and spry Half Elf in his mid 30s.  
A forge, blacksmithy and armorer run and owned by a Priestess of Solonor. Amalays Thalanryl, a female Drow in her mid 200s, she has the classical lavander skin tone and long white hair, but bares Solonor-green eyes and claims to have heard his call from the moment she was old enough to talk.  
Living Tree Lumber Shed:
The small outcropping of cultivated and carefully managed woodland just outside the city walls is home to the lumber yard and storage, overseen by Nelasyr Laranel and her wife, Maerethar. Nelasyr is a young Wild Elf woman with a spring in her step, and Maerethar is an Eladrin often seen in her Spring form.  
Tilted Blooms:
A highly successful florists known to provide its blooms to the temples of Hanali Celanil all across the Rune Keepers. Run exclusively by druids of Rillifane Rallathil, in particular Erodyl and Yufas Blyth. Erodyl is an Aasimar with the appearance of a High Elf, angular featured and fair looks, with shoulder length white hair and silver eyes. Yufas is a Tiefling with predominant Elven facial features such as the elongated ears and angular bone structure, with a scarlet skin complexion and piercing silver eyes.  
A quirky but functional General Store with everything and anything a visitor could need. Owned by the illustrious Vynelle - a Tabaxi with lucious and soft white fur, one blue eye and one orange. She is known to sell a number of magical items under the counter to special customers.  
The Looking Glass:
A chic and elegant jewellery store, often charged with making the holy symbols of the city's clergy. Owned and run by Elmanor Lynthar, a mature and respectable Wood Elf gentleman in his mid 300s, known for wearing spectacles with interchangable glass lenses to zoom in closer to what he's examining.  
Garments and Glitz:
A very fine tailoring establishment often charged with making the robes and ceremonial garb required by the city's clergy. The seamstress, Tariel Javin, is well known for her excellent embroidery and needlework. She is a relatively young High Elf woman, aged around her early 130s, with a very prim and proper style of dress.  
Hanali's Hearth:
Named in honour of the Goddess of beauty and love, known exclusively for her worshiper's penchant for unexpected revelry and celebration. This comfortable tavern is a safe space to unwind; relax and socialise in peace. The tavern keep is a Priestess of Hanali, called Galaryna Myndel, a cheerful and plump Wild Elf woman with a knack for conversation.


Like many settlements of the Rune Keepers, Var'Bellenaris is constructed from white stone and brick, with wooden support beams and ornate decoration. Winding, elegant structures are pleasant to look at and functional internally.
Alternative Name(s)
The Temple City; Jewel of the Seldarine; Secret of the Rune Keepers
around 1000
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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