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Min'hala Lovyl


Born on the surface, in the village of Mistglade, Min'hala is one of the many Drow residents and is at present one of the members of the Small Council. She is looked up to by a number of the younger women in the village, as a cleric of Eilistraee and as the representation of how a female Drow can still strive to have a position of power without being reminiscent of the matriarchy of Underdark society.

Physical Description

Body Features

Min'hala is a 5"3 tall Drow female, with waist length silver hair which is often kept in elegant curls. She has pale blue-lilac skin and silver eyes. On her neck is a brand of a spider which looks as if it has been half burned away by magic.   She is frequently seen adorning silver jewellery and black robes adorned with silver embroidery and linings. She is never seen without her holy symbol of Eilistraee.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Min'hala was among the first Drow to be born in Mistglade after its conception, both of her parents were formerly Lolthsworn Drow who escaped the Underdark with the guidance of Eilistraee, and where in fact two of the several clergy members who eventually built Mistglade.   She has, in turn, dedicated her life to following her parent's dream of a united Drow society free of Lolth and the Dark Seldarine.


When not attending Small Council meetings to oversee the wellbeing of the village, Min'hala works as a cleric in the Temple of Eilistraee as a healer and spiritual guide.

Mental Trauma

There was a raid on Mistglade many years ago by Drow of the Underdark who were sent to ruin the village and erradicate the worship of Eilistraee going on there. During the raid, the attacking Drow siezed Min'hala as they recognised that she was an individual of importance to the local population.   They branded her neck with the symbol of Lolth in front of the villagers in an attempt to frighten them and coerce them, and to remind them of their place beneath the Spider Queen's web.   When the clergy of Shevarash came to the village's aid and killed the attacking Drow insurgents, they assisted Min'hala in scorching the brand with magic at her request, to show that she was not afraid and would not be silenced.

Personality Characteristics


Min'hala desires to see her parents' vision realised, of a free Drow society without the shackles of Lolth binding them to darkness. She wishes to see Eilistraee succeed in guiding her kin to the surface and to freedom and redemption, and she assists as keenly as she can in this endevour with her work at Mistglade.


Religious Views

She is an avid follower of the Dark Maiden, Eilistraee and attempts to promote her worship wherever and whenever she can to better spread word of the Goddess set upon spiriting away all of Lolth's worshippers.
Lawful Good
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Elvish, Halfling, Undercommon


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