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Shevarash (SHEV-uh-rash)

The Black Archer

The Elven God of vengeance, revenge and loss, Shevarash is constantly depicted to be consumed by thoughts of retribution and bitterness, dominated by hate towards Drow and a need for revenge to a degree unseen in any of the other Seldarine.   Taciturn and emotionless, aside from the anger and the brief exultation after a victory, the Black Archer is disdainful of moderation in pursuit of revenge regardless of the interest of peace. He often pre-emptively strikes out against his foes.   Among the other members of the Seldarine, he specifically considers Fenmarel Mestarine his superior, though they have little in common. He also works closely with Corellon Larethian and Solonor Thelandira, though their focus on defending Elven realms rather than taking war to their enemies frustrates him.   The level of his contempt, unbridled bitterness and hatred has often dismayed the other members of the Seldarine.

Divine Domains



Black Bow, a longbow   Traitorbane, a longsword   Shama, a spear   Ukava, a sling   Maelat, a club

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Broken arrow over a tear

Tenets of Faith

The church of Shevarash is tiny, but rigidly disciplined. Clerics spend their days drilling, designing tactics and mapping out the upper tier of the Underdark, as well as running hit-and-run tactical raids and assaults on Drow territories.   Temples of Shevarash, as few and far between as they are, are located in cave mouths that connect Elf-occupied forests with the deep tunnels of the Underdark, and from which Drow raiders have emerged in the past.   The Black Archer's temples are constructed to serve first and foremost as nigh-impregnable forts, blocking access in either direction that can be held by a handful of defenders. Most are designed to withstand long-term sieges and include well stocked armouries, storerooms, and cisterns of fresh water.   The walls of Shevarash's houses of worship are typically adorned only with trophies seized from fallen Drow. Shevarash's followers sometimes construct shrines to their god in the Underdark, but such monuments are makeshift at best, quickly built in caves that serve as a temporary base of operations.   Fallen warriors of the cult are brought back to the surface to be interred or, if absolutely necessary, buried in unmarked cairns in the Underdark so as to hide them from the Drow.


The most holy day for Shevarash's following is Midwinter night, during which the moment Shevarash swore his oath to Corellon Larethian is remembered, an oath that he would never again smile or laugh until Lolth and her brood were destroyed.   Inductions into the ranks of the clergy occur at this time, and each new cleric scream vows of vengeance into the night air, swearing the same as Shevarash did so many years ago.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The greatest enemy of the Seldarine is Lolth, who sought the corruption and overthrowing of the Creator of Elves. The greatest enemy of the Fair Folk, is the Drow, the debased followers of the Spider Queen who long ago were enmeshed in her dark web.   Redemption and revenge may be achieved through the utter destruction of the Drow and the dark deities they serve. Only then may the joy of life begin anew.   Hunt fearlessly!

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the God:

In his avatar form, Shevarash appears as a six foot tall, muscular green-skinned Elf, akin to the appearance of a Wild Elf in many ways, wearing elven chain and a cloak of coalesced shadow.   His eyes are one of his most prominent features in this form, so dark they almost appear to be blackened pits, with faintly iridescent silver swirling within the depths.
Divine Classification
God of the Seldarine
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Black Archer, The Night Hunter, Arrow Bringer


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