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Prince Damh

Prince, Lord

Son of Queen Titania and King Oberon, Damh holds a position within the Inner Circle of the Seelie Court. He serves with methodical mirth and mischief, but always with affection for the Fey peoples.   Known to be patron and deity over Satyrs, Korreds and Sprites, it is widely believed he inspires much of their natural love of music and dance.   Despite his flighty love of entertainment and bardically inspired creations, he is quite self-indulgent, never one to delay gratification. He loves song and dance, jesters and strong drink, and especially loves the company of Dryads. His will to protect his people, in spite of all of this, is as strong as the foundations of the Feywild itself.   He is often considered a friend to many of the Feywild's Druidic Circles, having lent a hand in centuries long past, in erecting some of the private domains in which the Circles dwell.

Divine Domains

Nature, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A flute, pipes and drum

Physical Description

Body Features

Prince Damh is known to change form between the races he favours, in particular Satyrs and Korreds. However when not in one of these forms he resembles a handsome male Fey, tall like his father and immensely proud.   His dark skin tone stretches over strong muscles, which he enjoys flaunting with close cut fabrics and armour; his tawny auburn hair is tied into braids and decorated with gold filigree, and he is never seen without his pipes, wooden flute and harp.
Divine Classification
Seelie Archfey of the Sylvan Pantheon
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Aligned Organization


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