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Queen Titania


Titania is the Summer Queen of the Feywild, leader of the Summer Fey and the Seelie Court. She is quite possibly the mightiest of all Archfey and stands proud as the protector of the realm.   As a Sylvan Goddess, her duties include watching over all Feyfolk, be they dryads, pixies, satyrs, treants, unicorns, or any of the other nearly countless varieties, desiring that all such creatures could someday live in utter joy. Often worshiped by numerous Fey as well as some non-Fey, her followers see her as a goddess of goodness and mercy, a motherly figure.   Her avatar, most frequently seen working in the halls of the Summer Court within the Emerald Forest, while having only a fraction of the power her true form surges with, was no less formidable and keenly able to defend the land. Quick to intervene if harm ever befalls her lands, on the behalf of her true form, she is ever present and ever watching to maintain the safety of the realm.   It is believed that the Summer Court seen in the Feywild closely resembles the appearance of her divine Court, forever overflowing with flowers, water fountains, fine silks and flitting faeries. Her throne ornately carved from ice in the shape of a dragon, rumoured to be a magical construct capable of defending her if needed.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Light

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A white diamond with a central blue star

Tenets of Faith

She is revered by all non-evil faeries, but brownies, pixies, and sprites worship her as their special patron.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Titania believes in goodness and mercy, and it is almost impossible to drive her to anger unless the being offending her is extremely evil. If this is so, her wrath may be great.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the Goddess:

  Titania's avatar boasts two forms, though one more frequently seen than the other:   She is most often seen, within the Summer Court, as an Eladrin of immense beauty. Her skin the colour of honey, and her hair shimmering in all the colours of autumn leaves. Her eyes, glowing like the sun itself.   Her less common avatar form is that of a small but beautiful gossamer-winged faerie with flawless, pale skin and immaculate cheekbones, with grey-blue eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Titania is often seen as flighty and frivolous, capable of concealing her true thoughts and feelings concerning matters with an ease most mortals would die to achieve. But this talent makes it hard to learn anything from her that she isn't willing to share. This includes her personal life and history.   The only solid matter of truth known to the wider denizens of The Feywild is thus:   Titania ruled over the Feywild with the advice and guidance of her sweet sister, Mab. But one day, a group of Fey, who had been mining in a mountain in the North of the Wilds, brought to the Seelie Court a great, ten-faceted black diamond they had found, as a gift for the Fey Queen.   However, on that day, Titania was away swimming with her lover Oberon, and thus her sweet sister Mab accepted the gift on her behalf. The diamond began to corrupt her sister, transforming her nature, making her a dark and twisted version of her true self.   By the time Titania realised what was happening, her sister had stolen the diamond and many other magical treasures, and left in a chariot of smoke and fire that was said to have appeared out of the sky. Some time later, the mountain where the diamond had been rumoured to have been found exploded, coating the North-East of the Feywild in ash and smoke, which began to freeze and turn to a snow which covered the land and turned it into the treacherous arctic wasteland it is now know to be.   Titania still mourns the loss of her sister, struggling more so to accept that Mab ascended to become the Queen of Air and Darkness, the Queen of the Unseelie Court - thus pitting them as immortal enemies for eternity.


Family Ties

Oberon, her consort and father of her children   Damh, her son   Verenestra, her daughter   Queen of Air and Darkness, her corrupted sister
Divine Classification
Seelie Archfey of the Sylvan Pantheon
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Summer Queen, Faerie Queen, Queen of Light, Queen of the Seelie
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Ruled Locations


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