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Selvetarm (SELL-veh-TARM)

Lolth's Champion

Drow regard Selvetarm as the Champion of Lolth and the patron of Drow warriors. He is portrayed as an eight-armed Drow that represents the epitome of fighting prowess. But Lolth rarely looses her champion to do her bidding, keeping him snared by unbreakable webs that she removes only in times of direst need.   The dark elves believe that Selvetarm walked in solitude for many centuries, spurning both Lolth and Corellon Larethian, for he was not wholly given over to evil but neither was he fully aligned with the forces of light. Eventually his path crossed that of Eilistraee, and he began to appreciate the goodness of the Dark Maiden, as exhibited in her teachings and deeds. By aiding in Selvetarm's redemption, Eilistraee hoped to begin to heal the breach between Drow and the Seldarine. That hope was dashed, however, by the insidious plotting of Lolth.   The Queen of Spiders had long resented the existence of Zanassu, a minor demon lord that competed with her for divine authority over spiders. She hated almost as much the possibility of Eilistraee's winning an ally among the Drow pantheon. A prime opportunity arose when the spider demon lost much of its power in a conflict on the Material Plane. Lolth convinced Selvetarm to destroy Zanassu in its depleted state and seize the spider demon's burgeoning divine power. She did so by suggesting to Selvetarm that a victory would win him favour in the eyes of Eilistraee, whom he greatly admired. But when Selvetarm prevailed in battle over the spider demon, the wholly evil and chaotic nature of the divine power he absorbed overwhelmed Selvetarm's innate goodness and weakened him enough that the Spider Queen could bound his will tightly to her own.   Enraged by Lolth's duplicity, Selvetarm is an engine of destruction, an eight-limbed maestro of slaughter. If allowed to operate unchecked, he can rend his way through an entire Drow city in a berserk rage. Keeping him restrained is one of the few acts of Lolth that can be described as merciful.   Because of his status as a captive, Selvetarm draws little attention from Drow of high status. Low-caste Drow warriors who are themselves slaves or indentured servants, or who have no chance to rise in rank, can beseech Selvetarm for prowess in battle without suffering any shame. Anyone of high standing or who hopes to attain high standing shies away from openly expressing reverence for Selvetarm, though such an individual might still beg his aid privately.

Divine Domains



Venomace: a heavy mace weapon   Thalack'velve: a longsword

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A spider over a crossed sword and mace

Tenets of Faith

Among the Drow, Selvetarm is often a forgotten god, and his faith is essentially part of Lolth's church. Many of his followers are not allowed to worship him as a god on his own, but rather as a servant of Lolth, and those loyal to Lolth would persecute anyone who treated him as a stand alone deity.   As a general rule, Selvetarm's followers train in martial combat, and practising his beliefs are something of a career-killer in Drow society, for these beliefs don't put any meaningful emphasis on the intellectual part of combat, such as strategy, and this his followers are rarely put into commanding positions.   Selvetarm's followers are often discernible due to a ritualistic staining of their skin, often found on the tips of their ears and fingers, and sometimes across the eyes and temples like a war paint. These staining is almost always in a colour darker than their natural skin pigment, though if a Drow were to have particularly dark pigmentation it was not uncommon for a more visible colour to be chosen, often blood red or pure white. Due to the nature of the staining being as a ritual marking, it is woven with arcana and cannot be removed by any means.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

War is the ultimate expression of individual power, and only through battle and death can you realize the respect of your comrades. Hone your fighting skills constantly and teach those who will follow into the fray. Never give or receive quarter, and hope to die amid the bloodlust of battle against overwhelming odds.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the God:

In his avatar form, Selvetarm often manifests as a Drider (lower body of a spider, upper body of a Drow). He is relatively handsome, but scarred from battle and conflict; his skin is a dark lavender shade and the areas around the tips of his ears and fingers are much darker as if they have been dipped in ink. His white hair is long and braided in a very military fashion, and his eyes are dark almost black in colour.
Divine Classification
God of the Dark Seldarine
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Spider That Waits, The Spider Demon, Lolth's Champion, Thane of Lolth


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