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Solonor Thelandira

The Forest Hunter

Solonor is the Elven God of hunting and archery. He teaches his followers the finer art of hunting, including archery; moving unseen and hiding among nature.   He watches over the borders of wilderness and farmed land and seeks to maintain the balance between the two spaces.   He always keeps his word and does not offer it lightly. He often comes across as grim, due to the complexities of his duty, making compromises between those who want to exploit nature's gifts and those who wish to preserve nature in an unaltered state.   The Forest Hunter is a well respected member of the Seldarine, answering to Corellon Larethian directly more often than not. He counts among his allies practically all good-aligned nature deities, as well as Silvanus.   Similar to Shevarash, Solonor has a keen ire towards Lolth, but his hatred is not as corrupting and all consuming as his fellow Seldarine ally's. Additionally among his known foes are Malar and members of the Unseelie Court.

Divine Domains



Longshot, a longbow capable of firing as far as the horizon   Quiver of Endless Arrows, which never emptied of magical ammunition

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A silver arrow with green fletching

Tenets of Faith

Solonor's worshipers are almost entirely made up of Elves and Half-Elves, mostly those of a ranger skillset or other warriors naturally skilled in archery.   Temples of Solonor can be found at the heart of deep forests, only acccessible via carefully hidden and guarded woodland paths. They are often a mixture of natural and carefully sculted features emphasising the competing principles that Solonor tries to balance.


Solonor's faithful generally consider frivolous celebrations unnecessary distractions to the tasks at hand, however, once per lunar month, under the soft light of the full moon the Forest Hunter's faithful assemble to give thanks for the skills Solonor has taught and the bounty thus provided.   Hunters sacrifice hunting trophies that cannot otherwise be employed, and unbroken arrows engraved with the symbol of Solonor are fired into the sky to poke holes in the firmament and allow the light of Solonor's teachings to shine forth on his people.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Walk in harmony with nature and oppose the efforts of those who would disturb her delicate balance. Preserve the wild places from excessive encroachment, and work with those who would settle the land to preserve the beauty that first attracted them. Hunt only for sustenance, culling the old and the weak from the herd so that all species may prosper. Like an arrow in flight, it is difficult to arrest the consequences of an action. Choose your targets carefully, for an ill-considered action can have a long-reaching impact.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the God:

Solonor appears in the form of a lean and muscular male Elf, clad in a cloak of leaves. His face is often marked with tribal tattoos of brown ink, predominantly across his eyes and temples, and coming from his bottom lip to his chin.   His eyes are sharp, angled, pale chestnut brown in colour and keenly able to take in details very quickly. His hair, which is shorn at the sides but kept long on the top, is kept back in a long black braid, adorned with leaves and forestry trinkets.   He is often seen with Wolf, a Beast Totem Spirit worshiped by Wild Elves, at his side.
Divine Classification
God of the Seldarine
Chaotic Good


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