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The Grey Candle

The Grey Candle is a popular haunt with the miners of Rokthorl.   Run by Dryxl, it's a no-frills tavern with a surprising decent range of food and drink available.   Despite being in The Dragonlands, it's one of the few establishments that doesn't sell Blood Mead.   Despite the Grey Candles which are used to light the place, it's unknown if this was the inspiration for the name... or if the name inspired their use.

Purpose / Function

Originally opened as a "Pit Stop" for the Miners to refuel and rest, it's since become more accepting of other citizens and outsiders.


Initially built from timber, it's since been expanded and reinforced with stone from the mines.
The hearth is located in the same location as it's original firepit, the only difference is that it is now central to the tavern which has been built around it.


Geometrically built with lots of straight lines. Constructed with the "excess" stone from the nearby mines.


Some of the "richer" members of The Order of the Twin-Temples have been known to "slum it" here.
They believe they are well disguised, but they rarely are.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Characters in Location