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The Order of the Twin-Temples

The Order of the Twin-Temples is the name of the Organisation which runs the South Eastern corner of Eternium. It rules over The Dragonlands and it's surrounding skies, lands and seas.


These lands are ruled by the Dragonborn who live here. There are only a handful of true 'cities', each of which has a leader. There are also a number of Nomadic Tribes each of these are ruled differently, but typically there is either a single Elder or a Council of Elders.


The overwhelming majority of citizens within The Order's lands are devout followers of either Bahamut, Moradin or both. Their faith shapes the way they present themselves and react to the world around them.   There are some whom are less strict with their faith. These citizens are often those most likely to travel Eternium and seek new experiences.   Mealtimes are community affairs. Friends and Family eat together around a table and share tales of how their days or weeks have been.   For the people of The Dragonlands, there is a tremendous respect for life and they don't believe in killing for sport. This means that when they kill animals, they take great care to use as much as possible.   Of course, this isn’t always possible. If a buffalo kill is large, such as several dozen buffalo that were run off a cliff, there would be far more bones and internal organs than could be used. In general, however, Dragonborn people make sure that very little goes to waste. This ensures survival of their people because it ensured the survival of the species they hunt.   The most obvious items taken and used are the skins or hides. They are quickly skinned and tanned for clothing, shoes, blankets, home covering, you name it. Rawhide (the hair removed) is even more versatile as it could be used for making belts, sandshoes, moccasin soles, water troughs for horses or hide tanning, quivers, shields, buckets, drums and even rafts!   The skin on the head of male buffalos is extremely hard. Dragonborn often use it as a bowl. Even animals that appear to have no “hide” to use, such as birds or porcupines, are still found to have a use. The quills of porcupines are saved and flattened to make decorations. Bird feathers could be used as decoration, to add balance to arrows, and to stuff pillows or line moccasins for extra insulation.   Animal horns can be made into a type of whistle, used as a “bag” to carry or store items (such as embers from a fire), and sometimes served as ladles or serving dishes.   Animal organ meat is usually consumed first. Brains can be eaten, but are usually saved for tanning the hide. The tongue, liver and heart are considered choice meats. The lungs are often cut into pieces and dried. They are later be used in soups or stews. Blood is also used for stews or as paint. Even teeth are used for decorations.   Fat is often used for cooking, frying, tanning hides and for beauty purposes. Some Vanhu tell how, in extremely extreme weather, they put a layer of fat (bear fat is especially prized for this) on their skin before dressing, to act as another level of protection.

Public Agenda

The worship of, and devotion to, Moradin and Bahamut is the path to a better life and state of being. Bringing this way of life to those open to it is a must.


The Order of the Twin-Temples claims control of the air, land, underground and seas within the borders of The Dragonlands.


The Order of the Twin-Temples is both the ruling organisation and the Religion of The Dragonlands.


The official records of all laws passed, as well as those no longer enforced, are housed within the walls of Alonharl. To views these documents, you must be an Appointed Official of The Order.   Known Laws   1) Brothels and Prostitution are illegal in The Dragonlands.   2) Whilst medicinal and religious herbs are allowed, the mis-use of drugs for recreational reasons is illegal.   3) The sale and consumption of Alcohol is allowed. Being Drunk is Illegal. (Jailtime is a real possibility if you are caught by The Divine Hand.)  

Crimes & Punishments

Murder: Execution
Arson: Execution
Treason: Execution
Espionage: 10 to 30 years labor, often shortened as spies are exchanged or traded back to their "motherland".
Torture: Fifty lashes (1d4 slashing damage) and 5 to 20 years hard labor, often followed by exile.
Other Atrocities: Forty lashes and 3 to 10 years hard labor, often followed by exile.
Manslaughter: Twenty to fifty lashes, 3 to 15 years of labor, and/or a fine equal to 50% of the character’s wealth.
Creating Undead: Fifty lashes, 3 to 10 years of hard labor, and/or a fine equal to 40% of the character’s wealth.
Kidnapping: Twenty to forty lashes and/or 2 to 8 years hard labor, often followed by exile.
Enchantment, major (dominate): Thirty lashes and/or a fine equal to 25% of the character’s wealth, often followed by exile.
Enchantment, minor (charm): Ten lashes and/or a fine equal to 10% of the character’s wealth.
Assault & battery (permanent injury): Thirty lashes, 1 year hard labor, and/or a fine equal to 10% of the character’s wealth.
Assault & battery (no permanent injury): Ten lashes and/or a fine equal to 2% of the character’s wealth.
Cruelty to animals: Five to twenty lashes and/or a fine equal to 5% of the character’s wealth.
Robbery: Twenty lashes and/or 1 to 5 years hard labor.
Burglary: 1 to 3 years hard labor and/or a fine equal to 20% of the stolen goods' value.
Larceny: 6 to 18 months hard labor and/or fine equal to 15% of the stolen goods’ value.
Extortion: Return of all funds and a fine of 20% of what was stolen.
Possession of stolen goods: Return of all goods and a fine equal to 10% of the goods’ cost.
Perjury: A fine equal to 15% of the character’s wealth.
Forgery (official papers): A fine equal to 15% of the character’s wealth.
Forgery (other): A fine equal to 10% of the character’s wealth.
Blackmail: A fine equal to 10% of the character’s wealth.
Fraud: A fine equal to 10% of the character’s wealth.
Smuggling: 1 to 5 years hard labor and/or a fine equal to 15% of the character’s wealth.
Vandalism: Ten lashes and/or a fine equal to 2% of the character’s wealth.
Pickpocketing: Five lashes and/or a fine equal to 1% of the character’s wealth.
Trespassing: Two lashes and/or a fine equal to 1% of the character’s wealth.
Multiple offenses at once: As per most serious offense, plus 50% of other sentences.

Repeated offenses Increase the sentence by a quarter for each prior offense—excessive offenses result in execution. Punishments can vary from City to City. Alonharl is by far the most strict City in The Dragonlands.

Trade & Transport

There are few well developed roads within The Dragonlands. If you find yourself on one, you can be sure you will be heading towards either a city, or the border with The Empire of the Rune Keepers.   Djerad is the city most like to accept trade from outside of The Dragonlands.


The Order runs and maintains all of the schools in The Dragonlands. They teach many practical skills as well as knowledge of the world and of the faith.   Those with natural physical ability and strong faith are often recruited into The Divine Hand.

Divine Origins

Whilst the belief in Moradin and Bahamut arrived on Eternium at the time of The Great Shipwreck, it was around a century later that the faiths merged within Alonharl. It then later spread to The Dragonlands as a whole.

For Bahamut. For Moradin.


  • The Dragonlands - Empire Map
    This is the overview map of "The Dragonlands". The is the South-Eastern region of Eternium, run by The Order of the Twin-Temples.
  • Vlarith - City Map
  • Alonharl - City Map
  • A Trip Away Inn - First Floor
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
Within The Order of the Twin-Temples's lands, The Silver Standard is adopted. Prices are labelled in Silver rather than Gold.   All other Pieces are still considered Legal Tender.
Major Exports
There are some more "exotic" fish found in the waters around The Dragonlands. Many believe this is because of the strange nature of Havilar Bay.
Major Imports
Grain, common fruit and honey are all imported from other parts of Eternium. Due to the climate with The Dragonlands, it is hard to cultivate them in any large quantity.
Legislative Body
The High Priests of The Twin-Temples are alone in Rubber-Stamping laws and rules into effect. The laws are often gifted through prayer, but the have full discresion to create addition laws to better suit The Order.
Executive Body
"The Divine Hand" are responsible for enforcing the laws within The Dragonlands. They are granted their status by The Order of the Twin-Temples's High Priests.
Official State Religion
Permeated Organizations
Official Languages
Related Species

Articles under The Order of the Twin-Temples