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Visar Eriel

High Priestess

Visar is a female Moon Elf, and acts as the High Priestess of the Temple of Sehanine in Meridian.    She has served in this position for the last seventy six years, having previously served as a Priestess and an Initiate before that. She has spent almost all of her two hundred years working at the Temple, and loves the people of Meridian fiercely.

Physical Description

Body Features

Visar is a Moon Elf with pale blue skin, her complexion is clear and youthful thanks to her longevity. Her hair is long, white and pulled up into the intricate braids which are dedicated to a woman in her position of power and responsibility. Her eyes are almost luminous, lilac in colour and seem unblinking.   She has quite a curvaceous figure which is mostly concealed beneath the ceremonial robes of the High Priestess.

Special abilities

Channel Divinity:    Knowledge of the Ages: Visar is able to choose one skill or one tool and gain proficiency with it.   Read Thoughts: As a subtle addition to the power of her Channel Divinity, Visar is capable of accessing the mind of a creature within a certain distance from her, allowing her to read its surface thoughts. Doing so makes that creature more susceptible to her suggestions.   Divine Intervention: She can implore Sehanine for aid, beseeching the Lunar Lady to intervene in an event.   Spellcasting: As a cleric of high position, Visar has access to high levels of divine magic, and often dedicates herself to the healing and protection of those around her, rather than dealing harm and hinderance.

Apparel & Accessories

She is often seen clad in the garments of her position, flowing robes of midnight blue, accented with silver moons and stars in delicate embroidery.   She is never seen without her holy symbol of Sehanine Moonbow which is worn around her neck on a long silver chain.

Specialized Equipment

Devotee's Censer: a rounded flail which has perforated tiny holes, arranged in symbols and patterns. The flail can be used as a symbol of divinity to channel the magic of clerics. The flail is capable of dealing additional radiant damage to those struck with it, and is also able to provide a gentle healing incense to those within 10 feet of it, when the wielder activates the incense.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Visar has lived in Meridian all her life, born of two Moon Elf parents who served at the behest of Sehanine Moonbow, she grew up in a very pious household and was raised as a worshiper of the Lunar Lady. She took to the faith with excitement and dedication, joining the Temple of Sehanine at a young age as an Initiate.   She spent several years tending to the temple, cleaning the font and stained glass windows, learning the necessary prayers and rituals of the priestesses so that she could become an official Priestess of the faith.   Succeeding and joining the higher ranks of the temple, she took to performing rites; funerals and serving as a spiritual councillor to Elves and Half-Elves who wish to embark on the journey of enlightenment.   Sometime after, she received the highest honour a faithful of the Lunar Lady can recieve, she was considered for the position of High Priestess of Sehanine for Meridian's temple. She underwent the expected pilgrimage to seek approval from the other High Priestesses of the Rune Keepers, and returned to Meridian ready to undertake the role.   She has served loyally as the High Priestess ever since, and takes her position incredibly serious, shepherding and protecting her flock with the ferocity of a mother guarding her brood.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Becoming an Initiate of the temple.   Becoming a Priestess of the temple.   Becoming High Priestess of Meridian's temple.


Undead, necromancy

Personality Characteristics


The preservation and protection of Sehanine's doctrine, and the guidance of those who follower her light.
Lawful Good
Current Status
Serving at the Temple of Sehanine, Meridian
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
High Priestess of Sehanine
Long, braided, white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale blue
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Elvish, Halfling, Sylvan
Ruled Locations


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