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Temple of Sehanine

The Temple of Sehanine is the central point of Meridian, which everything else was originally built around. It began as a small chapel built of wood and brick, with only a handful of cushions for worshipers to sit on and a single Priestess to give teachings and sermons about the Lunar Lady. However, over the course of Meridians lifetime, it has expanded alongside the town, growing to accommodate the growing following of Sehanine worshipers in the populace and becoming more beautiful and more elaborate with each passing year.   The Temple now stands as the tallest building in Meridian, as well as the most recognisable, and is tended to by a series of Priests and Priestesses under the guidance of Visar Eriel, the current High Priestess.

Purpose / Function

The Temple of Sehanine offers a safe and secure place to offer worship to the Lunar Lady; providing teachings and guidance to those in need, and provides a keen point of interest to tourists and those of the faith who take pilgrimages to the different Temples dedicated to Sehanine.


The Temple stands at around two hundred feet tall making it the tallest building in Meridian, and is carved from pristine white marble accented with gold plated filigree around doorways and arches. The windows are jade green glass and the roof is an elaborately detailed stained glass depiction of Sehanine herself, arms outstretched cradling a full moon in her hands, with several moon beams shooting off in cardinal directions.   There is no altar in the Temple, only a large white wood font which looks as if it is growing out of the floor, taking the shape of twisting roots; it holds within its grasp a silver basin containing holy water. This font acts as a site for scrying, communing, and praying in exchange for visions or portents.


The Temple has no defences to speak of, but each Priest and Priestess present are adept clerics or paladins in the name of Sehanine, capable of defending against most dangers and healing the wounded.


The Temple of Sehanine originally started as a small chapel made of wood and brick; constructed at the centre of the small village the town started out as and was overseen by just a single Priestess. As the town expanded and grew, so too did the worship of the Lady of Dreams and thus a larger place of worship was also required. It grew to being a small church initially, and then began to take shape as a true temple instead.   There have been three High Priestesses of the Temple since its inception. Each one of Elven heritage, their longevity explaining their long service. At present, the High Priestess Visar Eriel, has served in the position for the last seventy six years, having taken over from her predecessor when they died.


The Temple of Sehanine attracts a decent amount of tourism from curious onlookers and religious folk on pilgrimages. Part of the reason for its grandeur to so that it is appealing to the eye and attracts visitors who will ask questions and wish to have a better look and the finer details.
Alternative Names
Spire of the Mystic Seer
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank


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