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The result of interbreeding between Terrans and Celestial(claw) The Dwarves are a hearty strong people, living in the mountains to the east and the surrounding plains. Their blood runs hot and their tempers short. Squabbles break out and calm down constantly but llong term feuds are rare. A dwarf is expected to meet death in the throws of battle and most do, though they seldom depart alone. Physically they are short in stature, but they are both nimble and strong, able to move with much more speed and power than one would expect from their short frames. They have strong family bonds and their tribes are organized by blood. Regardless of the crime committed a dwarf will hardly ever turn their back on their relatives. Even in their greatest city there is no king but rather a counsel of elders from the five strongest tribes of the mountains. Every 20 years there is a grand festival held to determine the   Weaponry: A dwarf will utilize their great strength to wield war hammers and great axes and these are the weapons that most other races associate with them. But in dwarven culture the bow is most revered. Dwarves have the strongest back muscles of anything smart enough to pull a bow and they take great pride in that fact. In fact both male and female dwarfs find a broad and strong back to be a highly desireable trait when selecting a partner. The reason that other races don't have a very strong impression of the dwarves as archers is because in dwarven tradition you are not meant to draw a bow on something or someone that you do not intend to kill. Even in fierce battles between dwarf tribes the bow is rarely used, for to do so risks a transition from battle to all out war. Typically only one tribe survives such a conflict, though there have been several tribes large enough to support these blood feuds raging on for several centuries. There is even a recorded case of two such tribes holding positions as Grimms at the same time, though predictably not for very long. The bow is more often used while hunting the megafauna present on the great plains, or protecting ones self from the various flying beasts that roost among the Grimmsdalt Mountains. Dwarves frequently compete archery competitions and more than half of the events in the The Grimms Festival are archery based, meaning that even dwarves who have never drawn their bow against another are still constantly sharpening their skill.   A dwarf's bow is very special to them and is looked on as a cultural indicator of status. There are those who make their living crafting bows for others, but they only ever specialize in mass producing or intense craftsmanship. It is a commonly held belief that a strong bow cannot compensate for a weak dwarf. Young dwarfs and those who follow paths other than that of the warrior lack the skill necessary to show a difference between mass produced and custom, and an average warrior spends enough time maintaining and adjusting their bow that most of them end up crafting their own once they save up enough resources to do so. There are relatively few elder dwarves in each tribe who boast the strength to neccessitate commisioning a master bowsmith when their crafting skills can no longer keep up with their power. However even such masters still maintain a bow of their own design to be buried with as is custom.   There are a handful of bows in circulation which clearly have elven roots, though such collaborations are rare    The Grimms manage farms of special  orb weaver spiders deep within the mountains, bred for producing stronger silk to make bowstrings. The much smaller males have become a popular pet. As a result Dwarven silk is one of the most sought after fabrics to make high end clothing with. Ironically it is more common to see other races wearing silk compared to dwarves because it is mostly used for ceremonial clothing.    


Ability Score Increase +2 CON, +2 STR
Size Large
Speed 25 ft

Brutal Being

Languages. common(humanoid), Giant

Basic Information


The Dwarves are a short, hearty people.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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