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Those born of the energy Moon's. Immortal and Powerful but otherwise quite similar to the mortal Terrans.

Basic Information


While most Celestials prefer to appear humanoid, their shape is not held constant by the constraints of physical bodies. They can appear in any form they wish, though for those that have not ascended to Godhood there is a limit to the mass they can manifest.

Genetics and Reproduction

They do not reproduce in a traditional sense but rather come about when there is an amassing of enough energy on the surface of their home moon.

Growth Rate & Stages

Celestials age rather slowly taking around 1000 years to reach maturity and they never die provided they are not killed.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A Celestial does not require physical food for it is not strictly a physical entity. It subsists on magic alone which it naturally absorbs through a process that resembles breathing.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

A celestial is without gender but many have taken a liking to one or the other through their observations of mortals and will adopt similar mannerisms.

Courtship Ideals

Generally the Communities of Celestials are so close knit that everyone knows each other so more often than not these relationships form over the millennia without either party noticing until one day they find themselves inseparable.

Relationship Ideals

True love is a rare thing among the celestials, being sexless and all, but it does happen occasionally. Such couples are usually not rejected by their peers but they do receive some sideways glances.

Historical Figures

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Celestials usually see themselves as quite superior to mortals, but whether they choose to be benevolent or vindictive because of it is up to the individual.

Articles under Celestial


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