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Geothermal Mason Society

A Society of Masons who had their home deep in the Huckleberry Ridge mountain range. These monolithic builders created architecture that worked around the magma chambers deep in the mountains. The Geothermal Society sought to find ways to harvest the energy within the planet to fuel a self-sufficent future for Nova Braga. They were funded by the Andromeda Syndicate, and the institute they built held fantastic technologies revolving around geothermal power.

During the Skirmish at Huckleberry Ridge, which centered on the attempts of the early Federation of Free Planets to capture the Institute, the Geothermal Mason Society was disbanded and destroyed. Their entire base was annihalated by the Huckleberry Cataclsym, and what remained of the people fled to other settlements or places.

Rumored Advancements

The Mason Society on Nova Braga had managed to create a sustainable geothermal power source that tapped directly into molten magma, powering a near infinite steam turbine that powered the entire institute.

Some of that technology made it's way to Gommorah Sands, brought by formal Mason, Bathmaster Hor'rus.

Their advancements are still legendary, and make their old institute a prime location for scavenging and archaeological digs.


The Geothermal Mason Society was wiped out during the Cataclysm, their institute buried by miles of rock. Some still try to find the institute in the volcanic mountains of the Ridge, hoping to plunder some of the technology no doubt buried. The old caves to the Institute and Society within are unstable, volcanically active, and very deadly.

Background generated via MidJourney

Cover image: by Midjourney


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