The great Dwarven horde of Prussen Darkoak invades Evantian, is stopped from passing through the Sudeten Mountains by the Avignon-Dithmarburg Union in the Battle of Dwindale valley. Survivors of the battle from the horde settle in modern Prussen.
A basic timeline of events Evantian.
The great Dwarven horde of Prussen Darkoak invades Evantian, is stopped from passing through the Sudeten Mountains by the Avignon-Dithmarburg Union in the Battle of Dwindale valley. Survivors of the battle from the horde settle in modern Prussen.
No one truly knows what caused the Isthmus Incident of 1011, but the destruction of the land connection between Norge and mainland Evantian was a turning point in the history of the Mark. The Isthmus Incident began what was known as the Period of Chaos.
A diplomatic mission from Dithmarburg, to form relations with the newly formed Republic of the Mark, lead by Victora Von Holzen.
A period of unrest in the Kingdom of Avignon, marking a shift from decentralized, feudal system to a centralised, nation state like system. Marked a shift from people caring about their local region to the nation of Avignon as a whole.
The chaos in the Prussen city of Chekov, now known as the Folly of Chekov was a eruption of religious violence in response to the killing of notable Arterium preacher Tomáš Beneš in the city. The result was four days that would spark a diplomatic crisis, that would lead to war.