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The Republic of the Mark

Freedom of the North

  • The Nordmen are all entitled to the ability to work, if a job needs filling it is the duty of a Nordman to fill it or help fill it in other ways.
  • The Nordmen are all entitled to earn there own wealth, independent of all others and to live a life of personal prosperity.
  • The Nordmen are all entitled to live a free life, and those who follow the laws of the Mark shall be free to be their own masters, and serve no Lord or King.
  • Those who infringe on the laws of the Mark or these rights of Nordmen have in doing so renouced all their entitlements to these rights, and those who want to elect those who lead must contribute to the Republic in trade or land.
The Declaration of the Rights of the Nordmen, 1086


Merchants and Landowners vote in elections every 5 years, in doing so they elect the Fylkirate and their local Fylkir. Those who aren't allowed to vote are still afforded rights, however are not represented in the Senate.

Order of Titles

Fylkirate > Cabinet > Fylkirs > Merchants and Landowners > Mark Guard > Nordmen

Public Agenda

The ideals of the Mark can be summed up in three words. Freedom, wealth, work.


The Mark has a large navy with a small land force, their trade brings much wealth. The lands of the Mark have lots of fortifications against naval invasion.


After the Isthmus Incident, Norge was plunged into chaos as various factions rose to power as the King lost power over his land. After 75 years known as the Period of Chaos, the group known as Republica Arnin rose to take power in 1086, proclaiming the Republic of the Mark from their new capital Arnin. From then onwards, the Republic had ups and downs but remained intact until modern day. From 1351-1421 the Mark took an agressive foreign policy, leading eventually to the control of the Zeelands and the Cape of Balton.

Demography and Population

Most of the Mark's population is located on the Isle of Norge, including the capital of Arnin. The Zeelands to the west of Norge has much less population, meanwhile Cape Balton to the east is one of the least densely populated areas of Evantain, making it known for a place for people to escape and hide in.


The core territory of the Mark is the Isle of Norge, which is also the ancestral homeland of the Nordmen. The Zeelands are officially under the Mark but after some turmoil, is rather autonomous on internal affairs while allowing foreign and trade policy to be handled by the Mark. The Cape of Balton is effectively a colony of the Mark, but the situation has become tense as Balton's population is largely loyalist.


Most of the Mark's military is based on naval power, with a modern and diverse navy with a small marine land force to help project power. The flagship of the Mark, the biggest ship ever build, the Republica Arnin. The Mark does have a small non-naval based land force, designed to maintain internal peace, this is known as the Republican Guard.

Technological Level

Being the source of it's economical power, the Mark's manufactories have caused it to be a lead in the world in this area. Those who live in cities have many amenities from this, however the rural area has been ignored in comparison.

Foreign Relations

The Mark, while being closer to some nations that other follows a policy known as "Everyone a friend, no one an ally", being open to trade with all but never agreeing to close diplomatic ties. More extreme elements of Divisionist Politics in the Mark, and the impact of the War of Arterium have almost pulled the Mark away from this policy, it remains to see what path they take.

Agriculture & Industry

Because of it's culture, the Mark is famous for it's merchants and tradesmen. This makes the Mark a large scale manufactory nation, importing, creating, exporting. The Mark's agriculture, while not the worst, due to the colder climate and small landmass means it can't support the population. To overcome this, fishing and whaling is common.

Trade & Transport

Being a largely island nation, boats are the most common means of transport between, and around islands along trade routes. These trade routes from the merchants of the Mark spread far from the Mark around the Northern Seas of Evantian and even some trade all the way to the likes of the Alto Coast. The Marciatic Alliance plays an important part in the trade with Dithmarburg.


The Nordmen are a people of apprentices, after some basic education all citizens are expect to take up a trade job, such as a carpenter, the only large scale exceptions and only exceptions that is not frowned on by some is politicians and military roles. This system means almost all Nordmen are educated, however the Republic is not seen as centre of any political, philosophical or cultural thought.


The Mark has large docks, and needs to for it's trade. It also has large scale naval defenses. The towns of the Mark are mainly wooden, with stone structures rarely seen, and normally only built for military structures. Most larger, landmark structures like taverns, and courthouses are wooden longhouses on large stone foundations. Land infrastructure between towns and cities is rather undeveloped and under maintained, due to the importance of naval routes.

Ius earn

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
The Mark
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Mark - Very stable and is the namesake of the Republic.
Major Exports
The Mark exports whaling products, and refined goods from the workshops of the Mark.
Major Imports
The Mark imports some food products, and many base resources for refining. Gold and silk are common imports for luxuries.
Legislative Body
Laws are pressed as Bulls by members of the Senate and must have over half it's members agree. If a Bull fails, it can be placed in a Convention State to make changes to the Bull, then attempt to pass again.
Judicial Body
Interpretations of the law are given when requested by the Svidpol Council.
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