Walon - Tribe of the Fox

The Fox Tribe lives in the Foxwoods acacia forest at the foot of the Drauz Mountains.

The members of the Walon tribe are intelligent and more sensitive to the changes in nature, they have more knowledge than most Narmiron regarding the plants of the Valley and their utilization.

Although most of them prefer the peace and company of their grove, some join the Shemons  or Adrelas to use their knowledge to aid the organization's work and support their people.

Walon healers time, to time, visit the other tribes to teach them how to make the latest medicines.
Alternatív Megnevezések
Tribe of the Fox
Földrajzi származás
Ruling Organization
Kapcsolódó Etnikumok

Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)
Character flag image: by Lia Feils (Adobe Express)


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