Samyr - Tribe of the Deer

The Deer's tribe home is the forest of Deerrest. This linden forest has a hidden, sacred place, Narmiraen's orchard, where the Summer Festival, the Night of a Thousand Stars takes place.

Members of the Samyr tribe are persistent, friendly, and caring. They also have a good sense of cooking - and alcohol too. Besides the finest foods of Nehalenor, they also make fruit spirits, mead, and as a secret Samyr tradition: linden wine. In most festivals, Samyr hunters make the meals for all.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternatív Megnevezések
Tribe of the Deer
Földrajzi származás
Ruling Organization
Kapcsolódó Etnikumok

Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)
Character flag image: by Lia Feils (Adobe Express)


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