Yot, the Northern Grassland Geographic Location in Evera | World Anvil

Yot, the Northern Grassland

On the eastern shore of Utea, there is an endless savanna, which the River Xig halved. The northern part is called Yot, the Hunters Home. This region is the political and cultural center of the Segaii of Ganu - the larger part of Vrikdarok, the capital, located here at the estuary of the Xig.
The endless savannah is rich with wild cereal corps, edible grasses, and low water demand bushes and trees. Wild tuberous vegetables and small fruit trees are common. Plenty of flowers bloom all year round.

The Segaii began to plant cereals and cultivate small fields and orchards with rudimentary tools, near their settlements. Well, their slaves do most of the work. Most settlements have pens with farm animals, like goats, horses, pigs, and buffalos. Giants rats and lizards are common meat sources in the Segai cuisine.

The largest predator in the Yot is the giant Ganu lion or Yot lion. It's even bigger than the Golden earthcat, and Evera's largest known non-magical feline. Yot lions hunt for gazelles, giraffes, rhinos, elephants, buffalos, and anything bigger than a hare. The leftovers make the hyenas, vultures, or giant wasps dinner. Venomous snakes hunt for rodents, small lizards, and frogs in the tall grass, under the buzzing clouds of insects.
The savanna has a rich wildlife and a fragile balance. The fourth Era's natural changes - mainly because of the Crimson Moon and the Mogeth plateau - made the Segaii lives harder. The strong alternating southern-northern winds, days-long typhoons, mountain-high tides, and collapsing shoreline of the Blackwater, made some of the locals move closer to the river.
With the capital, the northeast harbor of Vergu, and the long merchant caravan road beside the river, this is the most civilized part of the Plains of Ganu. The villages built high and strong walls around the homes, hunters were ever vigilant for the changes in the weather. Vergu harbor had rebuilt many times, as the shoreline collapsed or the tide erased it. The Buffalo-tribe is too stubborn to leave the ocean behind.
Resources of the Yot:
Hunters use up most parts of their prey. Leather and bones are common trade items here. Near the village, Vergu's Segaii collects sea salt and koral. Some plants, like the Bloodgrass, Elephant cap, and Purple fern are important for the whole region and even exported through the GFT caravans or trading ships.
Yot savanna by A.I. (OpenArt SDXL)
Alternatív Név(nevek)
Hunters Home
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Birtokló Szervezet
Yot savanna by Lia Feils (Flow Scape)

Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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