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Northern Forest


This wooded area takes many days to pass through. The Northern Forest lies just north of Tinkergarde and just south of Tir Fhasach. The western edge is bordered by the ocean and the eastern edge runs right up to the Wyvernview Mountains. There are several rivers and streams that run from the mountains and pass through the Northern Forest on their journey to reach the ocean.


Strange creatures roam the Northern Forest due to the Wild Magic Surges that frequently occur since the Age of Horrors. Near the village of Pantoran, some plants have been discovered that grow a sweet candy-like fruit that the Tieflings of that village have turned into their primary industry.

Ecosystem Cycles

During the winter, travel is restricted by the snows. This effectively cuts off the ability to travel to Tinkergarde. The many weeks of travel required to get to Tir Fasach through deep snows with few places to shelter also encourages travelers to wait until the spring thaws to travel the northern road. Hunting becomes equally difficult for those who live in the Northern Forest, so most stay close to their homes, while predators become more common in their search for food.   Spring is a time of rebirth. What little trade goes through the Northern Forest resumes as the spring thaws the winter snows.   Summer is when the forest itself truly comes to life. Travel becomes more difficult as the forest attempts to reclaim everything to the natural order. The greenery becomes lush and harder to navigate the way through.   Autumn is a time of great beauty as the leaves change color and eventually fall from the large trees. The forest paths are easier to navigate as the trees' leaves thin.

Localized Phenomena

Wild Magic Storms, also called Wild Magic Surges, are still a prevalent concern throughout the year in the Northern Forest. No one knows where these wild magic storms come from or how they occur. But they can change things in the blink of an eye. For example, new rivers may appear, structures may decay, and landmarks may completely disappear during one of these storms. Using magic, especially during a wild magic surge, is not recommended in the Northern Forest as things can go rather unexpectedly.


The climate of the Northern Forest is temperate and varies with the seasons. Winter tends to be cold and snowy, while spring is rainy and cool. Summer is hot, especially along the coastlines to the west, but under the shade of the forest it is tolerable. Autumn brings cooling breezes down from the Wyvernview mountains.

Fauna & Flora

Plants:   A range of typical temperate forest plants exist in the majority of the Northern Forest, along with some strange flora that has been effected by the wild magic surges to be able to move about instead of remaining stationary like their typical counterparts. Large, bioluminescent fungi also grow through the Northern Forest. A few tropical and jungle plants grow near the Tortle Moot, which lies on the western coasts. The Pantoran village has also harnassed the local floral to create candy.   Animals:   A mixture of large and small woodland creatures live in the Northern Forest. There seems to be a large population of various spiders, bears, and wolves, but also some otherworldly creatures have been seen rarely like Pseudodragons and Will-o-wisp.  

Natural Resources

  • Wood from the forest
  • Candy from Pantoran village
  • Skins/Pelts/Hides from the woodland creatures
  • Herbs gathered from the forest
  • Berries from various fruit bearing plants in the forest


The nation of Tinkergarde attempted to create a magical barrier to protect their whole country when the Age of Horrors began, but it unleashed a surge of wild magic changing the world around them. Unknown to those in Tinkergarde, it created the Beastwalkers who now live in the Northern Forests. The Wildmother, the Goddess of Nature, Moi Shua, has claimed the Northern Forest and its inhabitants. She has carefully watched over them in the last 500 years, helping them to grow and survive. She helped them to crawl out of the muck, sometimes literally, that those of Tinkergarde had caused by meddling with things beyond the ability of humans to understand.


Those who travel the Northern Forests are often the Tiefling entertainers moving along their caravan routes or traders making the long and dangerous journey between Tinkergarde and Tir Fasach. There are few villages in the Northern Forest to offer any kind of respite to travelers. So most travelers would be forced to rely on camping in the woods during their journey.

Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
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Cover image: by Adriablack
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