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Pantoran Village

A village within the Northern Forest of Tieflings who have discovered how to extract candy from the strange floral that grow around the village. It is also a stopping ground for the Tiefling caravans of circus and carnival performers that migrate from Tinkergarde to Tir Fhasach throughout the year. Three Tiefling clans claim Pantoran Village as their home. 


Pantoran Village is compromised of entirely Tieflings.  88 of those Tieflings work at The Pantoran Tiefling Carnival and travel with it throughout the year.  The other 500 Tieflings of Pantoran Village do a variety of professions.  Most of them are farmers and hunters who provide the majority of the food for the settlement.  Around 50 of the Tieflings work on harvesting, maintaining, and creating candy from the strange plants that grow around their village.  The rest of the Tieflings handle the work that is needed to allow the village to run.  There is a baker, a barber, a smith, a butcher, a carpenter, a candle maker, a cooper, a doctor, a furrier, a glove maker, a hat maker, a jeweler, a painter, a ropemaker, a weaver, a tavern, a wine maker, a tailor and a shoemaker.  There is a small temple to Moi Shua that is ran by a cleric of Moi Shua and ten attendants.  There are also four guards that provide the defense for the village.


The three clans run Pantoran Village.  The village is a communal settlement that shares everything that is produced.  Most of their goods are produced for trade, which The Pantoran Tiefling Carnival sells during their travels.  This money is then used to purchase anything that the village needs that cannot be created within the village.


Four Tiefling guards patrol the village and guard the villagers against any of the wild beasts that may wander in from the Northern Forest.

Industry & Trade

The vast majority of the village works on The Pantoran Tiefling Carnival and makes the journey with the Carnival most of the year. The villagers who stay in the village throughout the year are mainly farmers. A small number of these villagers grow and produce the candy that has become famous in Tinkergarde and is the village's primary export.


A small road runs from the main road through the Northern Forest into the main areas of the village.  It is maintained so that the wagons that the Tieflings use for the Carnival can get into the village.

Guilds and Factions

During the winter, when the Carnival is overwintering at Pantoran Village, the leader of the underground Mages' Guild is in residence. Since Arcane magic is heavily frowned on and, sometimes, outright banned in certained areas, Faith has begun to cultivate and train those gifted in the Arcane arts through her role in the Carnival. Another clan leader, Aranrai is a member of the Thieves' Guild and can act as a fence for those guildmembers that prove worthy. Pherissa is the third clan leader and is part of the Assassin's Guild.


1281 - 50 Tieflings suddenly appeared in the Northern Forest with no memory of where they came from or where they were.

1284 - Five families of Tieflings from each of three clans joined together to established Pantoran Village. These families and clans believed that the safety of numbers would help them survive during the Age of Horrors. The Village and its residents were protected by Moi Shua as all of those living in the Northern Forest were during that time.

1285 - The beloved Tiefling leader died, which led to the village being governed by a council instead. The Village Council would be the leaders of each one of the three clans.

1287 - A plague struck and decimated the village and their herds.

1291 - A week of torential rains caused mudslides and flooding. Several houses collapsed and many people were injured.

1294 - Giant Firebeetles invaded the village and caused havoc and chaos as they snuffled around town and through the fields. Until one of the Tiefling children tried to ride on one. This caused it to turn into a Festival Day! Ever since, Giant Firebeetles are celebrated and the children can ride on their backs through the town during the Giant Firebeetle Festival!

1296 - One of the clan leaders died. A new clan leader was chosen and began to lead on the Village Council.

1298 - Another year of terrible rains, flooding, and mudslides caused crops to fail and a couple of houses to collapse.

1303 - Terrible Monsters are seen walking the land by the Tiefling hunters and foragers. Somehow, the hunters and foragers were able to remain unseen. Children were kept inside their home for a whole year and few people left the village except at great need.

1304 - Another clan leader dies. A new clan leader is chosen for the Village Council.

1306 - A devastating forest fire scorched the land. Somehow, the village remained completed safe. Praise Moi Shua!

1308 - One of the beloved clan leaders dies from a terrible sickness. Another is chosen to take their place. Many become ill during this time and many passed away.

1310 - A Wild Magic Storms occurs near a hunting party. Most of them manage to make it back to the village.

1313 - A terrible plague ravaged the village. Almost half of the village became ill and a third of the village died.

1322 - One of the foragers discovered a new plant in the Forest. It seems to help prevent people from getting sick.

1334 - The herds fall under some kind of disease which decimated them. The plant that was discovered doesn't seem to work on animals the same way as it does on people.

1344 - Tieflings came into contact with a village in the southwestern area of the North Forest. The people who live here are apparantly very tall rabbit people.

1347 - Trade between the Tieflings and the rabbit people begins.

1351 - A massive forest fire devastated the area around the village. Most of the houses were saved.

1353 - Wild creatures attack the village. Three villagers are killed before the creatures are ran off.

1355 - One of the clan leaders dies in a hunting accident. Another is chosen to replace them on the village council.

1361 - A Wild Magic Storms occurs near the village outskirts. It causes several houses to fall in on themselves.

1379 - A terrible famine swept through the land. The crops failed. Thankfully, the rabbit people gifted the village food to help them get by.

1381 - The village had a bumper crop this year. They shared their excess with their rabbit friends.

1386 - One of the village's greatest hunters was killed by a Giant Boar.

1415 - Some of the Tieflings discovered how to culivate blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries that previously could only be found in the forest.

1425 - Tieflings are told about the Kingdom of Tinkergarde from their rabbit friends.

1450 - The first caravan of Tieflings travels to Tinkergarde to trade. However, they are attacked by local guards who call them demons and run them out of town.

1475 - Another group of attempts to travel to Tinkergarde for specialty goods. After many, many explanations they are allowed to trade with the village.

1501 - A group of Tieflings, on a hunting expedition in the northern part of the forest, wander out of the forest and discover the Kingdom of Tir Fhasach. The people there are in a sorry state and are more than willing to trade with the Tieflings for some food and furs.

1515 - Trade between Pantoran Village and the Kingdom of Tir Fhasach begins. The Tieflings trade furs, meat, foraged food from the forest, and some of the beneficial herbs that they have discovered for iron weapons, iron arrowheads, and other necessary supplies that cannot be found in the forest.

1536 - One of the clan leaders dies. Aranrai takes over their position on the village council.

1547 - A Wild Magic Storms occurs near the village causing chaos.

1555 - One of the clan leaders dies. Faith takes over their position on the village council.

1556 - Tieflings discovered how to extract a sweet candy from the local plants that grow around Pantoran Village in the Northern Forest.

1570 - Tieflings began trading the candy in exchange for other supplies their village needed to villages and towns in Tinkergarde and Tir Fhasach.

1575 - Tieflings were attacked while on a journey to get supplies in Tinkergarde. One of the clan leaders was killed during this attack. Pherissa takes over their position on the village council.

1581 - The Pantoran Tiefling Carnival began running its route in an effort to reduce the racial tensions between the Tieflings and the people of Tinkergarde and Tir Fhasach.


Visitors are rare in Pantoran Village.  Several merchant caravans traveling between Tinkergarde to Tir Fhasach will stop throughout the year since it takes approximately 15 days to get through the Northern Forest.  They stay at the local tavern and inn, spreading news of what is going on in the region, before continuing on their journey.


Most of the buildings are made from wood with thatched roofs and incorporate nature into their construction. Animal hides and skins are used in decorations.  They honor Moi Shua with statues and symbols throughout the decorations, since she looks after those who inhabit the Northern Forest.


Pantoran Village lies within the Northern Forest approximately halfway through the journey between Tinkergarde and Tir Fhasach.  The village itself is a couple of days off the main road and surrounded by the tall trees of the forest.  So most travelers pass by without knowing it exists.  A mountain stream lies to the east of the village providing access to fresh water.


During the winter, travel is restricted by the snows. This effectively cuts off the ability to travel to Tinkergarde or Tir Fhasach. The many weeks of travel required to get to Tir Fasach through deep snows with few places to shelter also encourages travelers to wait until the spring thaws to travel the northern road. Hunting becomes equally difficult for those who live in the Northern Forest, so most stay close to their homes, while predators become more common in their search for food.   Spring is a time of rebirth. What little trade goes through the Northern Forest resumes as the spring thaws the winter snows. Summer is when the forest itself truly comes to life. Travel becomes more difficult as the forest attempts to reclaim everything to the natural order. The greenery becomes lush and harder to navigate the way through. Autumn is a time of great beauty as the leaves change color and eventually fall from the large trees. The forest paths are easier to navigate as the trees' leaves thin.

Natural Resources

Some of the natural resources available to the Pantoran Village are: wood and lumber; animal skins and hides and meat from these creatures; crops from their farms; berries, greens, and nuts foraged from the forest; candy plants; herbs and medicines from the plants of the forest; fish from the mountain stream; and stone from the nearby mountains.

Articles under Pantoran Village


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