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Session 6: Base of Operations

Thunsheer 28-29

General Summary

The Crusty Centaurs have eliminated the immediate threat posed by Huron Stahlmast and his allies from a lair hidden in a cave behind the Silver Falls. They took some time to better explore the base and - just as important - what lay below it. For it seems that secreted within the walls of the main forge lay a passage that spirals ever downward to the underdark. Uncovering documentary evidence , it was further revealed that Huron appeared to have formed an alliance with Den Hythenos of the Kryn Dynasty - together seeking to move material and soldiers within striking distance of Hupperdook in order to lay the city low and cause as much chaos and destruction as possible in the process.   Plundertooth found a sending stone which seemed to confirm this: a voice with a thick Xhorhassian accent responded to attempted deception on the part of Kneeble, though the voice did not appear to endorse nor deny a request for a meeting at The Busty Centaur tavern.   Speaking of Kneeble, he and his companion Greeble were joined by a third kobold, Zeeble, who had just recovered from the awful surgery that had planted an explosive seed in his chest.   Ulfgar and Plundertooth did their best to seal the passage from the underdark with molten metal, achieving scalding but mostly successful results.   Using many keys found, our heroes cleaned out the place, wisely leaving some unstably stored explosives untouched for now, whilst Clothilde attuned to Huron's Goggles of Night.   Then descending the mountain with a dizzying feather fall provided by Ulfgar, the troupe returned Nima Cinnarid to her hometown and proceeded to parlay with Bram Gulchswattle as Emma Zezbok looked on. They were justly and amply rewarded for services rendered, both in slaying escaped war criminal Sken Zabriss and in stopping the threat represented by Huron Stahlmast and his Kryn allies. Given their rousing success, the Watchmaster agreed to let our heroes keep the base in the mountains, at least in part to better keep watch on what future threats the Empire's enemies may be planning from below.

Rewards Granted

Shortsword + 1
Sending Stone
Goggles of Night
A few potions of healing
Four explosive Seeds
Assorted gold and gems
  For rules see Magic Items and Alchemical Items.

Missions/Quests Completed

Collected the bounty on Sken Zabriss. Eliminated the threat posed by Huron Stahlmast.
Report Date
17 Jun 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Anna Molla