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Main Events

A rundown of the main events in the Excalibur universe

  • 251900000 BC

    The Precursor Extinction

  • 537 AD

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    The Battle of Camlann
    Military action

    When King Arthur returned to Camelot to find Mordred had usurped his throne, a mass battle erupted in which Mordred fatally wounded Arthur. However before Mordred could land the killing blow Sir Tristan stopped him by transporting them both to the year 2017 setting Mordred up to found the new Knights of the Round Table .

  • 1906 AD

    Tokyo attacked by [redacted]
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A Japanese scientist working with Aether to animate clockwork robots accidentally created an outbreak of a self replicating hive mind known as the Machinarium. The Machinarium built it's forces using anything it could get it's hands on, but was eventually stopped by a team of heroes brought together by Count August Von Delbruch.

  • 1909 AD

    The founding of the Special Service Bureau

    The Special Service Bureau (which would later come to be known simply as the Bureau) was founded in secret by Vivian Dawlish (private spymaster and sister to detective Sebastien Dawlish), William Melvile (ex-detective and founding chief of the Secret Service Bureau) and Rebecca Corcorran (Holder of the power of Merlin since the 1880s) as a counterpart to the Secret Service Bureau. it's mission was to research and combat threats from otherworldly and scientific origins, as opposed to the Secret Service's more political agenda.

  • 1953 AD


    MET Gallery attacked by [redacted]
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    During an exhibition at the MET Gallery in New York, a potentially disastrous timeline was prevented when four unlikely heroes were united by a time traveller to stop The Painted Man, an artist corrupted by an entity from The Second Dimension.

  • 1965 AD

    The Goodmen make their appearance

    The world was amazed when a team of super powered children known as the Goodmen appeared on the scene. Lead by the enigmatic Lord Magnus Goodman the team continued to make headlines throughout the latter half of the 60s

  • 1969 AD

    Goodmen Hoax Revealed

    The Goodmen disbanded after it was revealed that their super heroic antics were an elaborate hoax using Hollywood style stunt work and effects. In reality the team’s lives, home and reputation were destroyed by a super villain who had been raised to dismantle the Goodman institute and the forces behind it

  • 1976 AD

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    Project Keystone is founded

    After discovering an Estraxi ship crash landed in the Sahara a team of scientists founded Project Keystone, which sought to unlock the secrets of the genetically engineered ship. The project lead to the creation of genetically engineered children, raised to believe they were superheroes and rented out as weapons.

  • 1998 AD

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    Project Keystone is destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    After a team of Keystone children, called the Cavalry, were hired out to insurgents in the Middle East, they discovered that Project Keystone had been lying to them and that the Keystone children were being used. On returning to the project’s HQ, the Cavalry infiltrated the closed off sections of the base and found the Estraxi ship which had been used to create them. The team stole the ship and lay waste to the facility, freeing their peers. After the event the Bureau found homes for the Keystone children and took possession of the research.

  • 2017 AD

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    Mordred Arrives in the 21st Century
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After trying to kill Arthur during the Battle of Camlann, Mordred was transported to present day London by Sir Tristan where he had a fight with the police before being taken into the Bureau by Merlin.

  • 2017 AD

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    Founding of The Knights of The Round Table (2017-Present)

    After Mordred’s arrival in the present the Bureau took him in, but was subsequently attacked. In the aftermath, Mordred teamed up with Crowley and Darren Fernand, who were also present at the Bureau HQ, to take down the culprit. The Knights of The Round Table had been formed

  • 2017 AD

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    2017 AD

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    Dubai is attacked by "Socialist Terrorists"
    Political event

    The Contingency were branded "socialist terrorists" by Naga in an attempt to hide their betrayal of the organisation in retrieving the Lazarus project, an alien device capable of reviving someone after death.

  • 2017 AD

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    2017 AD

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    The Siege of London
    Military action

    The event which revealed superheroes, aliens and magic en masse to the world. The Ascended, whilst trying to claim the artefacts of Hecate, revealed themselves and launched a full scale attack on London which was thwarted by the intervention of The Knights of the Round Table.

  • 2017 AD

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    The Knights of The Round Table split

    At a meeting of The Knights of the Round Table, shortly after the siege of London, Mordred Pendragon Proposed the team split into two, each focusing on their respective fields of science and magic. This lead to the formation of Darren Fernand’s Vanguard, whilst Mordred remained the leader of The Knights of The Round Table alongside Sword and Shield

  • 2017 AD

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    Las Vegas is battered by “sand storms”
    Criminal Activity

    In an epic battle with no witnesses The Contingency prevented Randall Haynes from constructing a super weapon which would allow him to rain storms down upon the world. After a test run had buried Las Vegas in meters of sand.

  • 2017 AD

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    The Angel of Islington joins the ECU
    Life, Organisation Association

    The Angel of Islington revealed himself to the public, by knocking on the window of The Enhanced Containment Unit’s head office. This marked the beginning of a collaboration between the hero and the ECU, the first instance of a hero being officially employed by a government organisation.

  • 2018 AD

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    The Horseman dies
    Life, Death

    After a final showdown with the speedster serial-killer, Erik Hanson; with his identity exposed and the police closing in on his location at a lake-house, the Horseman shot a gas main and brought the building down on top of himself.

  • 2018 AD

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    Rome attacked by [redacted]
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After a Rome based Vampire clan ill-fatedly released the She-Wolf (an ancient and powerful entity which feeds off the time it’s victims have remaining) A vampire, a shapeshifter, a man possessed by a demon and a rival mafia bosses daughter teamed up to stop the people of Rome from being preyed upon and turned to stone by it. The She-Wolf was resealed within it’s bonds and Rome returned to normal, the memory of the event fading from most people’s minds

  • 2018 AD

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    MI5 Begin Rounding Up Keystone Subjects
    Civil action

    Spurred on by acquired Bureau data and growing anti-enhanced sentiment, MI5 began collaborating with HERD to bring all known Keystone subjects living in the UK into their custody.

    More reading
    The Phoenix: Issue #1
  • 2018 AD

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    Heroes put an end to Marauder revenge in Ronda
    Military action

    After being exiled to the distant reaches of space for centuries, The descendants of a raiding party of Marauders found a way to return. However when they launched an attack on Ronda in revenge, a wounded El Alcaide Eterno (the latest in a family of heroes destined to stop their return) brought together a team of heroes to defeat them in his stead.

  • 2036 AD

    California Governor Legalises Vigilanteism
    Political event

    The Governor of California passed a law allowing vigilante’s to operate within the state of California with the intention of promoting superhero activity. In the years following a whole industry would erupt around the licensing, promotion and actions of superheroes.