The Black Church

Written by Ola_Azur

The Black Church is a demenses that was gifted to a necromancer in the dawn of mankind, and has passed down through the ages to other necromancers (tho it was at one time held by the Mad Monk) in a long, colorful and checkered history. It is a seat of dark power and few know exactly what is contained within. The building itself is ancient, having moved throughout history.   The City grew and when it came to the Black Church, it simply grew around it. The general natural laws do not apply within the Black Church. Rather, whoever has control of the building is able to control the space within perfectly. The Black Church has changed many hands during it's long past but gaining control of the Demenses often marks the end of whoever does. It is rumored that the Krüger Family currently holds control of the Black Church.


The black church is indestructable.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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