The Samraaji establish their dominance over the sentient peoples of Vasudha (the world)
A high-level overview of the rise and fall of the Three Empires
The period of domination by the Samraaji
The Samraaji establish their dominance over the sentient peoples of Vasudha (the world)
Four of the Samraaji city ships depart for interstellar space, against the orders of General Chharapati.
Without warning, sea levels rise by over 400 feet in the span of 4 days, inundating most of the settled areas of the "primitives" and nearly wiping them out.
Caroline the Great assumes the title of Empress.
Often called the Carolingian Era after its founder, Empress Caroline the Great.
The last full-blooded elf dies. The only remnants of their bloodline can be seen in the Paysan race of humans, created by elven interbreeding.
The Plague of the Red Tears strikes the land and kills nearly two-thirds of the population, including all the Engros.
The last Carolingian emperor dies and the empire never recovers.
After the dissolution of the Empire of the Sun, petty kingdoms rose and warred and fell for two centuries. Violence and treachery were rampant, and resources were hoarded and stolen back and forth. A dark time in history.
The last of the direct Valais emperors.
Founder of the Marian dynasty
Imperial Troops led by Princess Elline land to retake the lost city of Llys and begin subduing the local tribes under Imperial rule. Eventually, she brings all of Lysonne and Galicea under her control.
Princess Terrencia draws up her forces and tries to overthrow Emperor Phillip. She fails, and is messily executed. The soldiers she draws from Lareste are never replaced.
Queen Anushree's mummy is brought back to Selouisé and the Plague flares up as virulently as ever before.
The date the Empire of Twilight starts.