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The Zhentarim

“Join us and prosper. Oppose us and suffer.”

The Zhentarim are first & foremost a mercenary & mercantile organisation that spans Faerun, whose ultimate aim is to grow themselves enough wealth, fame and power to became the sole power across the known world. Also known as “the Black Network”, its offices & outposts offer a range of services to any with the gold to pay for it, whether it be goods, arms, security, magic or even whole armies. However, this is often hides a more sinister intent, the cost for those purchasing their services more than just gold and the Zhentaruim will use every advantage & opportunity to further their goals. Subterfuge, assassination & violence are all trademarks of Zhentarim methods and all are for sale. The organisation itself is made up of all different races and types from warriors & wizards to merchants & lawyers, a role for anyone wanting to make good coin with potential for advancement. As a meritorious organisation, to succeed members need to be ambitious, ruthless & morally black to survive the constant power struggles – anyone can rise up but only those willing to truly sacrifice everything (and everyone) are fit for power in its higher ranks.   Over its centuries old history, the Zhentarim were once seen as the obligatory “evil empire” who officially worship and support of evil aligned gods such as Bane & Cyric and their associated machinations & schemes threatened all the free people of Faeurn. Since their formation, they have fought countless times with the other major factions, all of whom they have sought to subdue at some point or another. The Emerald Enclave knows that they care nought for nature except its exploitation, the The Order of the Gauntlet sees them as evil taken human form and The Lord's Alliance fears their threat to their people’s peace & stability. The Harpers especially are nemesis of the Zhentariam, one being committed to decentralising power to the peoples, the other for centralising it for themselves. Both are committed to oppose one another at every turn, the never ceasing war between them bringing both sides to the brink of destruction more times than either would ever admit.   After constant wars & bloodletting for most of its history, their main success was effectively uniting many powerful forces against itself. After a series of defeats and the loss of many of their traditional strongholds and spheres of influence, they have been forced to re-brand to avoid facing destruction. Though they have changed their image & methods, they have not changed their ultimate goal of total power & dominion and many in their ranks still yearn for the bad old days of Bane .  

In the Moonsea Region

As opposed to the other factions, the Zhentariam have thrived in the Moonsea, even at one point formally headquartering in Zhentil Keep . Not long after the initial human settlements developed in the region, the Zhentarim invested heavily in recruitment and infrastructure, winning hearts and minds and seeding the The Church of Bane (its then official religion) amongst its peoples. As the city states developed, their influence was embedded and they reaped the awards of their work. This lead to an era of Zhentarim dominance across the Moonsea, with almost all city states & settlements under their influence or direct control.   Since then, and after a series of wars, uprisings & internal crisis’, their power and influence has significantly waned and their territory limited to the Western Moonsea around Zhentil Keep and a few scattered outposts. However, they continue to remain the single largest, organised military & economic power in the region and their presence can still be felt in almost every settlement, whether it be The Church of Bane , their recruiting stations and mercenary companies or its newly revived spy network, including the Zyn’thalen (“Night Blades”). However, much of their resources remain committed to trying to maintain their influence and they are stretched thin. With threat of war with Hillsfar for regional dominance, the Moonsea's populace trying to get away from the shadow of The Church of Bane & Zhentaruim dominance and The Harpers & The Order of the Gauntlet a constant thorn in their side, they are desperate for more bodies who might help tip the balance.   The Zhentaruim have numerous military outposts from which they continue to project their influence including Zhentil Keep , one of the largest city states, the secretive & remote Castle Ravenloft in the Dragonspine Mountains and the Verrack Keep, a large garrision that supports the Bane worshipping Mulmaster in the East Moonsea. Recruiting stations can be found in most other cities, towns and ports and even the most remote village my host representatives of the Black Network looking to trade, whether in gold, bodies or information. Any party looking for the Zhentarim will not look far to find them and they are always willing to offer assistance, though the price will not always be clear.  

History with the Party

“Join us and prosper. Oppose us and suffer.”

Alternative Names
The Black Network
Controlled Territories

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