Yusef Targrinin

Yusef Targrinin is a famous halfing artist from Arabel, the City of Art. Yusef is known for his expressionist style and specializes in portrait work. He is currently in incredibly high demand and does not usually paint by request, instead seeking out interesting and beatiful people to paint by his own will. He is known for traveling the world in search of these people and is highly secretive, appearing in major cities only during celebrations such as Baldur's Gate's summer solstice festival.  


  • Shortly before the summer solstice festival of 130 PU, Yusef painted a portrait of Anteries Solander in a piece called The Daughter of Light, which was later sold in Arabel and resold to the Grand Faerunian Museum in Procampur. After Anteries' disappearance following her trial for the New Olamn Massacre, this painting became one of the most valuable in the world.
Current Residence