The Giant Awakens

Plot points/Scenes

Before the PC has time to ask too many questions of the disoriented Garren, an Ice Mephit attack from behind the frost giant statue. [If [Remmy  is with the PC, use two mephits instead of one.]   After three rounds, the frost giant statue (see "Frost Giant Escape Table", below) animates and immediately crushes the ice mephit(s) if it is still alive. Then, it pursues the party.   As it comes to life, Garren shouts, “Run!” He stays behind to shield the PC from the frost giant statue. If Garren is crushed by the statue (a relative likelihood), he returns to the PC’s amulet as described in the previous sidebar.   Who runs the sidekick? If your player is new to D&D, we suggest the DM running Garren’s character during this and future combats until the PC is comfortable with running their character during combat. If your player is familiar with D&D and comfortable running multiple characters during combat, feel free to share Garren’s stat block with them. In either case, we suggest having Garren roll his own initiative and the DM playing Garren during RP scenarios.     We do not have specific stats for the frost giant statue—it represents only a force to be escaped.  Fighting is certain death. Instead, to escape, run a skills challenge to help the PC make their way back through the dungeon. After three successes, they make it free of the Lonely Hold and back onto the mountainside. Encourage the PC to describe how they make their escape, and allow their ideas to inspire the checks you ask for.   For each failed check, the frost giant statue swings its club at the PC or Garren (+5 to hit, 1d4+1 bludgeoning). Use the following table for the skill challenge and running the escape:

Frost Giant Escape Table

Event Roll and Success DC
Dodge a frost giant swing Dexterity saving throw (DC 12)
Climb a rope Strength (Athletics) check (DC 10)
Vault over rubble Strength (Athletics) check (DC 10)
Maintain footing / momentum Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (DC 10)
    Once the PC is safely outside, allow only a moment of rest before the frost giant statue reappears, crashing through the ruins and racing toward the PC.    
With a mighty roar, the frost giant closes the distance between you with incredible speed, no longer confined to the icy prison’s ruins.  The giant’s massive club swings toward you when suddenly, a pulse of warmth spreads across your chest—Garren is there before you!  (assuming he didn't 'survive' to escape the hold conventionally)   The crystalline warrior knocks you out of the way, shield high, and deflects the ice giant’s blow.  The club strikes the ground, and the ice and snow beneath your feet shake in the aftermath…   Over the giant’s shoulder, a shelf of ice falls free from its rock formation. Avalanche!


As the adventure closes, we suggest a fade to black for a dramatic session close before you continue on to Second Glance, part two in the Crystalline Curse Trilogy.  So the player can be thinking ahead about next steps for their character, inform them that the next adventure will start after they’ve been found. They wake up in a small village at the base of the mountain, and from there, their adventure continues!
Completion Date
20 Ches, 1491 DR
Plot type
Act 2; Final Scene
Related Session Reports


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