Part Two: Hidden Flame

The goal of this chapter is for the PC to put into practice everything they’ve learned thus far in a situation in which there are real stakes.   Read or paraphrase the following as the PC (and Remmy, if he came with) arrives in the Cloud Peak Mountains in southwestern Faerun rather than in Waterdeep as they expected:    
A howling wind greets your ears, and the shocking cold whips your eyes open, revealing the stark reality that you are not at the Fey Day celebration in Waterdeep. Instead, you stand in the middle of a snowstorm on a tall mountain peak. An evergreen forest huddles a half-mile plunge below. The piercing cry of a wolf echoes through the trees.   Judging by the height of the peaks above, you must have teleported to somewhere along The Cloud Peaks! A short way behind you, the faint outline of fallen rocks beckons, offering shelter from the icy mountain blasts. There, you should be able to find safety, at least temporarily...
  As the PC approaches the pile of rocks, they find, instead, the remains of an ancient edifice riding toward the mountaintop. Carved into the side of the peak stands a smooth stone entryway, layered over with ages of packed frost. Within the recess, the PC finds a wooden doorway covered with runes.   Runes. The runes above the door are written in an ancient language with Elvish roots. A successful DC 12 Intelligence (History) check allows the PC to read, “The Lonely Hold: Show the Sign and Enter.”   Door. Intricate designs weave across the door’s surface and meet at the center in a shape familiar to the PC—it matches the design on their amulet. If the PC shows their amulet, the door opens and grants access to Area 1.
Completion Date
20 Ches, 1491 DR
Plot type
Act 2; Scene 1
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