The Lonely Hold

Plot points/Scenes

1. Receiving Room

The wooden door creaks open to reveal a large stone chamber. On the far side of the room, a partial cave-in emits sunlight and snow among the piles of boulders. Icy white tendrils stretch across the carved stone floor, offset by intricate,faded frescoes that adorn the walls of this long-abandoned space.
  The ceiling in this room is about 20 feet high. The room is ages old and has stood untouched until recently when the wall caved in.   Chasm. A ten-foot-wide chasm stretches across the center of the floor, caused by the weight of the cave-in. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a lower floor twenty feet below.   Frescoes. The frescoes around the room depict an ancient, desperate battle between the forces of good and ill. Demons fight side-by-side with chromatic dragons against an increasingly dwindling and desperate group of celestials and heroes, struggling in vain against the overwhelming forces of their enemies. Spending time studying the frescoes grants the PC advantage on the Wisdom (Perception) check to see the secret stairwell leading down.   Secret Stairwell. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals a slight inconsistency in the floor tiles. Upon closer inspection, the PC discovers a 10x10 foot pressure plate that, when triggered, reveals a secret staircase that opens along the wall of the room. The stairs proceed down to the lower level.   Treasure. If the PC searches among the rubble, a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check uncovers an abandoned (and rotted) leather pack containing 50 feet of hempen rope, a potion of healing, a potion of cold resistance, and 1d10 gp.   [DM’s note: Use the map (and give the PC their copy) to help set the stage for the PC’s exploration of this room. Encourage their curiosity and questions. However, if they’re having trouble or growing frustrated, guide them with added clues in the room. Perhaps a glimmer on the floor draws their eyes to the pressure plate for the secret stairwell, or they accidentally trip on the leather satchel.]    

2. Antechamber

  This chamber also has 20 ft. ceilings but only has dim light. Read or paraphrase the following after the PC has descended to the lower level, either via the secret stairwell or by climbing down the chasm.    
You pause as your senses adjust to the darkness of the lower level. Ahead, you perceive two imposing silhouettes from the fallen stone column. A long hallway stretches beyond the rubble, leading to a door carved to resemble a face.
  Columns. The massive pillars have brought down the ceiling but can be scrambled over without too much difficulty. Hiding on the other side of the pillars is an Ice Mephit waiting in ambush. It attacks as soon as the PC clears the obstruction. A DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check of the rubble around the columns reveals a skeletal hand upon which lies a ring of protection.   [DM’s note: If your PC did not reset all of their scores and abilities as though they’d taken a long rest, be sure they do so now. During this combat, you may need to adjust some of the damage rolled, especially if the mephit is hitting often and the PC is not. We suggest not doubling any damage rolled with a nat 20 on an attack. If the PC is struggling or at low health near the end of the fight, consider adapting its death burst or adding it only for flavor and the PC not taking damage from it. The PC may also need to take a short rest before proceeding into the next room.]   Magical Door. At the end of the hall, a magical,talking door inhibits further access to the underground chambers. The door is extremely gregarious and beside himself to have someone to talk to after all these years. Over the door are the words “Open Says Me” in Elvish. The PC must say the word “Open” to access Area 3. The door knows some things, but not how to open himself. Example responses to PC questions include:
  • What is this place? “Well, I’m not too sure, but I know that beyond me, my creators were trying to contain something that they thought was very dangerous.”
  • How do I get past you? “Given my friendly personality, my creators decided it would be best if I didn’t know. I’m a natural people pleaser and really bad at keeping secrets.”
  • What do the paintings upstairs represent? “What paintings? Oh! The big fight? Why, that’s the ancient war that my makers won of course!”
  • Who were your makers? “Hmm, that’s a good question. They didn’t tell me their names, but they almost never smiled and when they did, it seemed mean and creepy. I like you much better.”

3. Holding Room

This circular room is in complete darkness, rendering even darkvision useless without a light source. Four unused torches hang along the stone walls beyond the door.    
As you say the word “open,” the door exclaims in surprise and slides into the wall. Beyond him, a short flight of stairs leads down into utter darkness, the likes of which not even darkvision can penetrate. The faint light reflecting off of the collections of snow behind you casts faint, torch-shaped shadows against the wall on either side of the stairs.
    After the PC acquires a light source, they see the outline of a gigantic stone statue towering over a humanoid figure.  
The flicking light cast by your torch struggles to force back the thick, almost physical darkness of this chamber. As you continue inside, you find the fully sculpted outline of a frost giant statue against the back wall. It looms menacingly over another statue, an equally detailed though much smaller human at the giant’s feet. Half of the human statue is covered in rock, lending the sense that the sculptors did not complete their work.   As you approach, motes of light and fire from your torch break free, darting into the complex array of runes etched in a circle on the ground around the human statue. The glyphs glow brighter as the circle fills in. It emits a distinct pulse as the last rune is lit.   With a great cracking sound, the rock around the human statue falls away, cascading out from the trapped figure. As the echoes fade, the body slowly animates. The statue figure glances down at his destroyed bonds and turns to stare at you.
  The statue is not a statue at all, but Garren Bronson, an imprisoned crystalline warrior from a past age.   Garren and the PC’s Amulet If Garren falls to 0 HP and is within 1000 ft of the PC’s amulet, instead of falling unconscious, Garren is teleported into the amulet with 1 hp. The PC can release or contain Garren as an action. This is not immediately apparent to either party, but the connection can be hinted at, perhaps by mentioning that the amulet hums or feels warm.
Completion Date
20 Ches, 1491 DR
Plot type
Act 2; Scene 2
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