FORCE GREY Organization in FAERUN | World Anvil
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Always at the ready

Also known as the Gray Hand, Force Grey is an elite unit that deals with extreme threats to the safety of WATERDEEP. Their primary purpose is to present the loss of life and their methods are often very direct, blunt and brutal. Collateral damage to infrastructure and buildings in the city is deemed an acceptable price to pay for saving life itself.   Those wanting to join Force Grey need to prove themselves - in both mission performance & military competence, and also in loyalty to the city.   Whilst working for the organisation is not a full-time job, and members are free to pursue other interests, they ought to be ready for action within the city; on call for 30 hours a week. In exchange for this service, agents are paid 100gp a month.  


Force Grey falls under the control of two individuals: THE BLACKSTAFF, LORD MAGE OF WATERDEEP selects individuals for missions, whereas THE OPEN LORD OF WATERDEEP establishes the parameters of such missions. In this way, it is hoped that no one individual can wield the power of such an effective fighting unit to their own ends.   Force Grey members are seen as part of the military and guard arm of the authorities in Waterdeep and so are expected to ally with other organisations such as THE CITY WATCH OF WATERDEEP when called upon.   Their base of operations is in the BLACKSTAFF TOWER but members are only required to go there for operational details when summoned.   Force Grey Ranks (Renown): Gray Hand Initiate (1), Junior Gray Hand (3), Senior Gray Hand (10), Force Grey Initiate (25), Defender of Waterdeep (50)   Notable members of Force Grey are:


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