THE CITY WATCH OF WATERDEEP Military Formation in FAERUN | World Anvil
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WATERDEEP is a place of swift justice and clear laws. The first line of defence against those who break these laws, the men and women on the street who enforce them, is the City Watch.  


  Those who perform criminal acts can expect to be dealt with quickly by the numerous watchmen that patrol the city. Individuals caught going against LAWS & LEGAL SYSTEM OF WATERDEEP, more specifically by breaking rules as outlined in the Code Legal, are arrested by the City Watch and processed, then handed on to magisters who hand out punishments according to the severity of the crime in various courts across the city.   Of course, it's not entirely unheard of for some Watchmen to forgo the lengthier process of arrest and imprisonment and simply resort to a meting out a beating or enticing a bribe. Why choose paperwork when gold or a heavy boot can help hasten the proceedings? Similarly, there are plenty who might choose to turn a blind eye to activities that don't affect them directly or that aren't in full view of their superiors. That being said, nearly all Watch constables are loathe to let others meddle or get involved in what they see as their "dirty business" and anyone looking to insert themselves into an investigation without the legal authority to do so (such as being a sanctioned agent of THE LORDS' ALLIANCE) will find themselves moved on, politely or otherwise.  


  Patrols are organised into teams of varying strength according to the beat they command. Quieter areas may have patrols of pairs or trios, whereas rougher and busier areas might see up to 7 watchmen accompanied by a priest and magister.   Members of the City Watch are called officers, and the Commander of the Watch reports to the Open Lord LADY LAERAL SILVERHAND.   The headquarters for the City Watch is the THE PALACE OF WATERDEEP. The City Watch has absolutely no authority beyond the walls of Waterdeep, and so never acts or even goes outside of the city . It has also been noted that they rarely go into the sewers .  


  The THE CITY GUARD OF WATERDEEP is the main supplier of recruits for the City Watch, as many officers tend to serve in the army of Waterdeep before retiring to a position in the city’s police force .   Whilst most members of the City Watch benefit from armour, shields and weaponry, their main strength lies in their numbers and the authority they have in the city. Some longer-standing members of the Watch (or those who join with military experience) have more of a veteran status and are more skilled, and perhaps better equipped, accordingly.   Overall, the job of a member of the City Watch of Waterdeep is a busy one and individuals have to juggle various demands on them at all hours of the day. The quality and honesty of the Watch is, on the whole, pretty high. Like in all walks of life in Faerun, there exist a few rotten apples but, as an entity, the authorities and most common folk of the city feel they can rely on them to serve the interests and security of the city.  


  For Watchmen who show particularly exemplary traits, there exists the possibility of enrolment to FORCE GREY, the elite force who can be called to arms to protect the city at the behest of THE OPEN LORD OF WATERDEEP.  




"Best not to meddle in criminal matters, okay? Leave this dirty business to the City Watch."


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