MELOON WARDRAGON Character in FAERUN | World Anvil
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NE male Chondathan human adventurer under the control of an intellect devourer

"Crime is on the rise. Numerous criminal factions in Waterdeep appear more active, going so far as to fight one another in the streets! In response, the High Wizard of Waterdeep, Vajra "Blackstaff" Safahr, has activated her independent enforcers, Force Gray and the Gray Hands. Maybe that's where you come in if you play your cards right."
  A famous human adventurer, Meloon is often found drinking in THE YAWNING PORTAL in the Castle District of THE CITY OF WATERDEEP.   Meloon comes across as a cheery, good-natured and fun-loving warrior eager to fight alongside those he calls friends. He's well-known in the Portal as an adventurer with lots of experience and ties to FORCE GREY.   His truth is, in fact, far more sinister although he's not to blame. An intellect devourer, in league with XANATHAR the beholder crime boss, consumed his brain several months ago and the monster now controls his thoughts and actions. To this aim, Meloon discourages others from investigating UNDERMOUNTAIN, instead urging the curious and the brave to focus on problems in the city of Waterdeep itself. He is also an assassin for his secret beholder overlord, killing operatives of THE ZHENTARIM. He plans to kill DAVIL STARSTRONG but he won't kill the elf in plain sight of witnesses.   Azuredge   Meloon, as a trusted member of Force Grey, has been bestowed an intelligent battleaxe named AZUREDGE.
"Heroes, am I right? Maybe one day you'll join me in Force Grey. Wanna buy me an ale?"


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