THE LORDS' ALLIANCE Organization in FAERUN | World Anvil
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"Threats to home must be terminated without prejudice. Superiority is our security."

Unity, Stability & Prosperity

The Lords' Alliance is a partnership between cities and towns across the Sword Coast and the North, the rulers of these provinces united in trade and against common foes such as orc raiders and Northlander pirates. In existence for over 150 years, the Alliance sees itself as the most important and influential faction and views co-operation as the key to the security and prosperity of their members. Whilst the confederation is seen as integral to stability, the rulers of these settlements pledge their allegiance to their homelands first and the Lords' Alliance second.   In the north of the Sword Coast large nations simply do not exist and, instead, the land is divided between city-states who seek safety behind their walled defences. The current members of the Alliance are Amphail, Baldur’s Gate, Daggerford, Longsaddle, Mirabar, Mithral Hall, Neverwinter, Silverymoon, WATERDEEP, and Yartar.   The main goal of the Lords' Alliance is to preserve their civilisation through mutually beneficial trade and acting as a shield to outside threats but there the similarities between member states lie; merchants or nobles from one city may, in fact, have little in common with those from an allied one, bar the pursuit of power & wealth. However, for the time being, it's safe to say that the rulers, merchants and other influential individuals in the north regard being together as more advantageous than being apart.   Adventurers who find themselves working with agents of the Lords' Alliance can hope to draw on a wide network of information, power and wealth. Allying with such a faction may not be the worse idea a party of potential heroes has ever had.  

The Alliance in Waterdeep

Any Waterdavian is permitted to become a member of the Lords' Alliance in WATERDEEP and even those with a criminal past can join, so long as they prove their allegiance to the good of the city. Waterdeep is one of the most influential and invested members of the Alliance and many ruling members of the city regard the confederation as essential to prosperity and (relative) peace. The sharing of information and resources is preferable to dispute and conflict with its neighbouring city-states across the North.    Key members of the Lords' Alliance in Waterdeep include: Support for members of the Waterdeep Lords' Alliance comes in these ways:


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