MIRT THE MONEYLENDER Character in FAERUN | World Anvil
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It's safe to say that Mirt has led an interesting life, to which his various monikers of the Moneylender, the Merciless, the Old Wolf, Tonius the Thief and Lord Walrus can attest. He has a habit of inviting adventurers to his dilapidated mansion for dinner as a pretense for spreading rumours, gathering information and sharing his own pearls of wisdom and stories of his own adventures as he sees fit. He tells adventurers in whom he has an interest that they are welcome to join him at his manor at any time, although it seems that he's often not in - there's a 90% chance that those dropping in on him will be met with silence and no reply as they seek to gain access to the manor.   A retired adventurer, Mirt lives in a manor in the Sea Ward of WATERDEEP.   Mirt has made many enemies throughout his life but also a few notable friends, such as DURNAN of THE YAWNING PORTAL. In fact, Mirt and Durnan used to adventure together, each of them amassing a fortune on their travels together.    Serving as an adviser to LADY LAREAL SILVERHAND, Mirt is one of the Masked Lords of WATERDEEP.   He is also a member of THE HARPERS and acts as a point of contact for those running Harper missions in the city.   He has a habit of inviting adventurers to his dilapidated mansion for dinner as a pretense for spreading rumours, gathering information and sharing his own pearls of wisdom as he sees fit. He tells adventurers in whom he has an interest that they are welcome to join him at his manor at any time, although it seems that he's often not in - there's a 90% chance that those dropping in on him will be met with silence and no reply as they seek to gain access to the manor.   Perhaps this is due to his penchant for wining, dining and culture - he's an avid fan of the opera and can often be seen in his private box at the LIGHTSINGER THEATRE.


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