Bynzira Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Raven Bynzira Carmela Stillwater

A powerful frontline damage dealer with excellent magic damage and utility spells.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bynzira is young and strong. Even before she started adventuring she was strong from tavern work, her new found powers and now several years of adventuring have have only heightened her strength and constitution. She is tall, well muscled and in good fighting shape.

Facial Features

  • Broad features
  • Mid sized tusks
  • Pointed ears
  • Left nostril pierced

Identifying Characteristics

  • Black and White streaked braided hair pulled back into a ponytail.
  • Mark of a raven on her left shoulder.

Physical quirks

Jacked as shit

Special abilities

  • Form of Dread
  • Otherworldly Leap
  • Tomb of Levistus
  • Necrotic husk
  • Charger
  • Great Weapon Master
  • Grave Touched: Replace Damage
  • Orcish Fury

Apparel & Accessories

Bynzira wears simple clothes, accented with nice boots and a magic leather coat both in combat and out. She will often get the style and color changed magically by one of the windblown before she goes out but sticks to this simple outfit with a rucksack to cary everything other than her halberd.

Specialized Equipment

  • Halberd of Fallen Leaves
  • Iron Bands of Billario
  • Rucksack of Holding.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Young, strong and charismatic, Bynzira grew up on the pirate isles as the daughter of a tavern keeper but her curiosity and more than a few hijinks had her stumble backwards into a private meeting with Umagoth, the vampire lord of the isles. Instead of having her jailed he set her a task, to retrieve a trinket from one of the local lords that had been giving him trouble, in order to scry upon him. Upon her successful return he granted her a portion of his power and made her a raven of umagoth, sent out to travel the world and adventure with his power in exchange for reporting to him on the state of the world she traveled through.   Almost immediately after setting foot on the mainland shore, she stumbled across the blade singer Araleth. The two joined forces and Bynzira journeyed with her questing around the moon sea, as well as the kingdoms of Vasa Sembia and Cormyr. After several years of adventuring they came to blows with the windblown on a contract in cormyr while pursuing the last target of Araleth's revenge. After a heated set of encounters, Bynzira was able to talk the two sides down and after some time to cool off, the pair were later recruited by the windblown taking assignments all over Faerun.




Not extensive. Mostly practical experience relating to service and running a tavern, though she has excellent people skills and is learning new things every day on the road and with the windblown


Bynzira has been accepting and completing contracts successfully for 3 years. She tends to prefer bounty hunting contracts, though she regularly takes combat contracts with Araleth when she thinks she might need some help. However she is open to pretty much any contract if its somewhere new. She regularly works with multiple windblown members and isn't hesitant to recruit lower ranked members.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She's made so many friends and met a huge array of new people over the last few years. She is also one of the main recruiters for the town of Bellmare.

Failures & Embarrassments

Some of her earlier missions for the windblown would have been huge losses only recovered by having Araleth with her. Things have got better but she hasn't forgotten being humbled like that.

Mental Trauma

She misses her dad but she's doin great

Intellectual Characteristics

Bynzira is wildly charismatic and tends to be easily distracted. She trusts quickly and cares deeply. This is something her work with the windblown has tempered a bit but the tendency is still there. She has an excellent memory for names but regularly needs to consult her quest log to remember what she was supposed to be doing when working on her own.

Morality & Philosophy

She wants to help people but has stuff to do.


Wasting food, Being a dick to people

Personality Characteristics


To make as many friends and have as much fun and adventure as humanly possible. Maybe help some people along the way.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Arcana +10
  • Deception +7
  • Nature +10
  • Perception +10
  Ineptitudes +3
  • Intimidation
  • Performance
  • Persuasion

Likes & Dislikes

  • Adventures and making friends
  • Diving into new cultures and their alcohol
  • Any party
  • Airship rides
  • Homework and Research
  • Sour foods
  • Paperwork

Virtues & Personality perks

Has everyones best interests at heart. She's genuinely delighted to meet people and cares deeply for people and their communities. She's got a great sense of humor and is always ready to help with hard work

Vices & Personality flaws

Girl is absolutely unmanagable when she parties. She constantly tries to throw down and its impossible to get her home with the group.

Personality Quirks

Looks like she's constantly resisting the urge to prank someone or trying not to tell a bad joke.


She tries



Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Bynzira




Girlfriend (Important)

Towards Araleth




The pair met while Araleth was wandering the coast of sea of fallen stars, having been devastated by the lost of her homeland. Bynzira had just come off the completion of her first assignment for her patron Umagoth and ended up traveling together.   They started dating shortly after they were recruited by River to join the Windblown and have been together since   They share a room in the weeping peak


Member (Important)

Towards The Windblown - Relationship



The Windblown - Relationship

Company (Important)

Towards Bynzira




Joined 3 years ago and has been taking contracts that will bring her to new places with new people to meet

Relationship Reasoning

For Bynzira, this is the first thing she's really done with her life outside of her home town. Its a pretty good gig that brings in money and gives her a sense of accomplishment and a launching pad for adventure.

Neutral Good
Date of Birth
7 Eleasis 1470
Immurk's Hold - The Pirate Isles
Current Residence
The Weeping Peak
Black and White Dreads pulled back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Green
220 lb
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Undercommon
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