Team Dew Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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Team Dew


Team Dew
  • Dew on the Grass F - Moon Druid - Earth/Water Elemental
  • Smell of Rain F - Badesinger training under Araleth
  • Beat of the Drum F - War Cleric
  • Aurora in Winter M - Artillerist revolver like Umenan
  • Cover of Clouds M - Twilight Cleric like Umenan
  • - Beat, Clouds and Aurora like spending time on the Lady of the Night.


Team dew is loud and boisterous. They're small bois with big feelings and most people in a given area know how they're doing. Lots of celebrating, lots of team chants and hype and 'hands in' before training fights and shit. Big school football team energy for sure.   In fights they generally split up into two groups. Dew transforms into an earth elemental and Aurora climbs on her back providing long range support from three-quarters cover, boots of the winding path lets her get off, interact with objects or help with downed temmates and get back into position easily. Dew makes a little station for her out of the earth.   Beat of the Drum and Cover in Clouds fight as a pair. They each have a shield and each covers the other with warding bond, protection fighting style, spirit guardians and a variety of other abilities, the pair make a super beefy little block. Smell of Rain acts as a wildcard, filling any need the group needs but by default sticks with Drum and Clouds, staying behind their shields and attacking with her whip and magic.
Founding Date
1494 DR
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Related Species


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