Team Trap Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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Team Trap


  • Team Trap
    • Blood on the Trap M - Hunter Ranger
    • Magic Garden F - Armorer artificer - with help from navia she ended up with almost hulkbuster armor. In armor she classifies as a medium creature.
    • Sunshine at Night F - Celestial Warlock like Peszes
    • Stone in Water M - Terraformer Artificer -
    • Humble Wind F - Rogue - like Gale


    Team Blood has huge introvert energy. They huddle quietly before fights and work out tactics. Their vocal and entertaining members are Song and Sunshine but even they retreat to their own spaces during the down hours. Not that they don't have fun, but they spend their time talking, working, playing games and vibing together.
    Founding Date
    1494 DR
    Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
    Ruling Organization
    Parent Organization
    Related Species


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