Tabaxi of Narbeth Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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Tabaxi of Narbeth

Tabaxi that regularly work around the peak
  • Breath of Fresh Air - Kitchen
  • Tale of Wonder - Kitchen
  • Mist in the Morning, Five Cloud, Little Flower - Chef's Assistants
  • Peak of the Mountain - Works with conrad in the living library
  • Tricky Hunt - Manages Bookeeping and Food Supplies
  • Game of Chance - Keeps the mission board and planning room up to date and tidy
  • Tranquil Grove - runs the quartermasters store. is the least chill person on earth about giving up his thingssssss
  • Lost Mask & Emerald Ink - help seteth run various operations
  • Dew on the Grass and Blood on the Trap are the only two veteran fighters that left with the group to the weeping peak. Some of the younger tabaxi were inspired by them and jumped at the opportunity. Tazbor has been training some that have drawn from the classes of windblown members. They're split into two teams under each veteran.


The clan is guided by a collection of the most experienced members across a variety of fields.   Everyone largely does whatever they want, with some people falling into roles as cooks, gatherers, guides, teachers, artists etc. The leaders generally deal with the larger politicial matters making decisions based on experience, and announce the plan to the clan at large. From there each person individually decides if they want to follow the group or do their own thing. Then they do.


Mostly nonviolent. They're tiny and not particularly strong but very quick and good at hiding so they tend towards running from their problems. There are a few that know how to fight but their daily life is hunting small prey, cooking, tending to their treetop camps, making art and trying to avoid attention.


The Narbeth Tabaxi have occupied that section of the Great Wild Wood for... well for so long they're not entirely sure how long it has been. They're small, quick and cunning and have had sought a peaceful existance in their little corner of the world while having to hide from some larger predators. That was until a group of sunelf arcanists decided to begin experimenting on them. At first it was great, the arcanists were powerful enough to keep away the things preying upon the tabaxi but they began taking members of the community. First it was the outliers, the ones that didn't quite fit in but after 20 of them had been abducted in a month the leaders went to the sun elves camp and found the mangled discarded corpses of their people. They couldn't hope to defeat the elves, so they ran.   They returned to the villages and scattered. This only slowed the abductions but didn't stop them. Now the secret was out the elves got bolder in their strategy and were full on hunting the tabaxi. They would have certainly all been captured, if the elves reckless use of magic hadn't drawn the attention of deepspawn. They attacked and killed the arcanists, and the tabaxi could rest but they were scared. What if this happened again, what would they do?   When the windblown were hired to investigate why the communication from the arcanists had stopped and found the slaughtered villagers the Narbeth watched. When they freed Avel and were able to contain her feral rage, their strength was noted and as the group was set to leave the remaining leaders approached the group asking to go with them. They loved their home but it has become a place of painful memories and with the sun elves defeated, the old predators were returning.   The Windblown told them no, we don't have a place for you and can't protect you on the road. So they left. Time went on, the predators begain attacking again and the Narbeth began fighting back. They lost a lot more of their clan but after the windblown were established at the weeping peak, and at the behest of Avel they returned to offer them a place. Almost all of them accepted, though not all stayed at the peak deciding to settle down in bell-mere or find their own place but most spend their time working as the support staff for the windblown.   They cook, clean, keep supplies stocked and overall help with the logistics of keeping a base up and running. Some of the ones that began fighting back work as guards in both bell-mere and on the peak itself. For the most part they sleep in the trees along the side of the peak in a small village which reminds them of their old homes in the deep forest. The new village is right along one of the mountain trails some of the members use to train. Its only been two years but so far it seems to be a healthy relationship.     The tribe of tabaxi Avel is from, who were previously being used as test subjects by elves in the forest of Narbeth (the northern part of the great wild wood). After the elves were killed in an attack and avel joined the group the windblown went back looking for clues to her past and found her people hiding from predators that had been kept away by the elves. The nonviolent tabaxi latched onto the windblown and they couldn't in good concious leave them.

Trade & Transport

They don't have much to trade so they generally work around the peak to earn money. This isn't at all required, some continue their self sufficient way of life from the Great Wild Wood in the High Forest surrounding the peak but run into many of the same problems they experience at home. The rest have taken to learning trades while working for the windblown. Some operate in a support capacity, taking care of cleaning, cooking etc. Some work in more specialized areas, learning magic to help to monitor the water elemental portal, using their skills with nature to tend to the living library or the gardens in Bell-mere, and running messages or learning how to read / write various languages from Seteth.


They know how to survive, gather food, hunt and create art but don't have much experience fighting or what you would call a classical education.   Some have been learning various trades from the windblown during the last two years.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Species


The Narbeth leaders still hold some resentment for having been left but now everyone is safe and has enough to eat so they are willing to let it go and just live their lives.


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