The Wandering Roost Vehicle in Faerun | World Anvil
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The Wandering Roost

  The Wandering Roost has 4 decks connected by a series of ladders and stairs. The unique Planar Sync tehnology used in this design allows for an unusual layout.   Bottom Deck:   The Bottom deck sits directly on top of the sled rails the Roost uses to land on. The bulk of space on this deck is taken up by the internal balloons. There are 8 in total, 4 internal and 4 external to provide at least some protection in the event of an attack. The internal balloons are enough to stop the Roost from impacting the ground, though they will come pretty close and it will become extremely unstable. Straight through the middle of the deck is a railing that connects the main entrance at the back of the ship to the control console. The rear entrance is a ramp that folds up like a drawbridge to allow easy boarding. The main control has an enchanted glass and steel floor that allows the pilot to see straight down, and provides an uninterupted for just over 180 degrees. A ladder directly behind the command console gives access to the second deck.   Second Deck:   The second deck is the cargo bay. It is an open floor with no walls or windows, just connecting beams linking decks one and three. The last four balloons are connected to the outer balloons from the first deck and surround the port and starboard walls. These can be deflated easily allowing cargo to be loaded from port and starboard along with the already open stern from the crane on the top deck. As long as it can fit through the gaps in the beams it can be transported and the cargo bay being directly surrounded by balloons means the ship stays stable even in high winds with heavy cargo. There is a ladder connecting to the first deck and a set of stairs leading up to the third deck.   Third Deck:   The third deck is the crew and passenger quarters. From bow to stern. Immedately at the top of the stairs is the enterance is the ships vault. This acts as a vault for the crew and companies valuables but also like a safe deposit box for various associated factions and passengers. The mobile nature of the roost makes its a particularly secure location for sensitive items. Next to the vault enterance is a ladder to the top deck.   Both port and starboard from the stairs are a set of hallways running the length of this deck. Starting at the bow the first two rooms on both port and starboard are passenger quarters adorend with a simple bed, window, and wardrobe.   Next towards the stern: on the port side is another passenger room, between the hallways is a storage closet and the enterance to the crew bunks and on the starboard side is an office for the crew to plot courses, maintain logs and handle accounting.   The next set of rooms towards the stern, on the port side is Gredmar's workshop, where on the spot parts can be crafted and repairs made. It also houses the ships boiler for all the water piped to this deck. Between the hallways are the crew bunks. Each permenant member gets a hammock, a chest for personal belongings and some space in the storage locker and closet. To Starboard is the captains quarters and the showers.   The Stern is of this deck is taken up by the kitchen, dining hall and food storage. A small kitchen is on the port side, a bar and dining table take up the middle of the area and the food storage in on the starboard side. The walls of this part of the ship are walls form floor to about 4 feet high, and windows from there to the ceiling.   Top Deck:   The top deck is connected by a ladder to the crew quarters. It is primarily an observation deck with some seating and a heater but it can be rearranged as additional space for passengers, storage, or whatever else is needed. The ceiling is fairly low and domed to keep the profile closer to the baloons. There is a balcony surrounding the enclosed area with a crane and a set of tracks to manuever the crane around the sides of the ship. This is the primary method of loading and offloading cargo. There is a system of vents along the roof of the observation deck that can be controlled by the control console in emergencies to stop the ship rolling.

Power Generation

Planar Sync runes generate the heat inflate the balloons. The glyphs are located on lines sitting above the rails inflating the inner balloons, where the hot air is piped to the outer balloons. The actual lines the glyphs are located on are adamantine so there isn't any worry about them breaking or melting due to the heat, but when the ship needs to descend or stay on the ground the hot air is vented out the front of the ship to keep them deflated.   There is an additional rune in the boiler on the crew quarters that runs hot water to the kitchen, baths and through the walls of that level to keep the temperature regulated. The boiler is filled and pressure maintained by decanters of endless water.


Across the middle two decks are an array of everful sails, seperated to avoid being caught by headwinds, which provide a constant foward thrust. The rear of the ship has a set of fins that can change its direction.

Weapons & Armament

The Roost has to choose between weapons on the ability to transport cargo. If the cargo bay is empty the second deck balloons can be deflated and ballistas can be mounted and used, but this is rarely necessary. A full half of the crew is capable of fying independantly and the rest have the ability to maintian and support the fliers from a distance.

Armor and defense

The balloons are coated in a mithral weave to provide protection against general collisons and non magical attacks. The ship is mostly wood with metal support beams running through out for stability. The actual ship itself doesn't have much armor but having everything but the crew and observation decks covered by the ballons and their weave does provide a bit of a buffer. It won't withstand a dragon attack or cannon fire but arrows and crossbows won't do any harm.
Creation Date
1 Deepwinter 1490
Owning Organization
Related Technologies
8 mph. 10 with a tailwind
Complement / Crew
6 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
4 passengers on the crew deck and 10 on the observation deck on.


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