The Highest Sea Co. Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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The Highest Sea Co.



Everyone on the crew has been here for several years at this point and have gravitated to roles that suit them. Everyone knows when they're meant to be on duty and off, but because the ship is largely able to be piloted by a single person the majority of the work is watch duty. Since watch duty can be done from the observation deck or the control room, it has the vibe of hanging out with friends during an on call shift. Everyone on the crew is on good terms and have worked out any issues by now so its largely entertaining any passengers and keeping things running.

Public Agenda




The company started as a Arri, Gredmar and BrightEyes running a crew for a proof of concept of a new airship design between the dwarves of Gauntylgrym and the fey refugees that had settled atop Mount Hotenow. After it had proven a success they were able to buy the prototype ship as newer models were in production. About a year later while they were picking up passengers in Waterdeep, Raef, Kithne and Evrec boarded looking to make a quick exit from the city. Those three stayed on and have the the crew has held steady for the past several years. They make a good living carying/smuggling high priority cargo and passengers across normally prohibitively dangerous routes, or to areas it would prove difficult to teleport to.   They have been working with The Windblown for the last few years, accepting contracts for passage to remote locations in exchange for steady pay and a safe harbor at The Weeping Peak. Its central location to most of the major cities in The North has proven extremely valuable. Both as a spot to resupply on longer journies and a place to lay low from the many enemies the various members have made.
Founding Date
Military, Crew
Parent Organization
Organization Vehicles


One of the members, Raef, was killed in an attack and was ressurected by Umagoth. Given warlock powers in exchange for regular reports on the political situations of the places they visit, or any other useful information. The Highest Sea has safe harbor at any of his strongholds.


The Highest Sea have been taking Windblown for several years, and now Arri is a full member. They are more expensive than the Windblown would always like but Xior in particular has been making good use of them as his own personal dropship on Zhentarim hunting missions. Its an easy job for the crew and The Weeping Peak has proven to be an extremly valuable safe haven for them.


The crew ended up making an enemy of a Calimshani lord and Arri got caught up in a Wish level curse. They definitely do not want to get caught back there.


Many of the crew members are wanted by or previously involved with the Xanathar Guild.


A few years back a memeber of the council, Thalamra Vanthampur, heard about the unique properties of The Roost and attempted to steal it. The party has no actual grudge against the council itself but because they had to burn down a warehouse in the process of getting The Roost back they are wanted in Baldur's Gate.


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