Arri Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Captain Arri

Arri is cursed and weakened but has gained access to powerful air elemental magics. Arri excels at long range support, wreaking havoc on enemy ships with thunder damage, and enemy crews with lightning damage from a distance.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mentally he's in great shape, but physically he looks like he's dying. Str and Con are magically reduced to 6, to the point where he has trouble getting around without his staff. He also cannot recover past 2 levels of exhaustion, though the disadvantage on skill checks only applies to checks made with Str, Dex or Con.

Identifying Characteristics

  • Gray feathers
  • Purple eyes
  • Weak build

Special abilities

  • Experimental Elixer
  • Chef Feat
  • Tempestuous Magic
  • Twinned Spell
  • Seeking Spell
  • Heart of the Storm
  • Storm Guide
  • War Caster Feat
  • Keen Mind
  • Elemental Adept Thunder & Lightning

Apparel & Accessories

Arri can't control his physical condition, so he tried to regain a bit of control and dignity though his appearance. He generally dresses well, in a nice shirt, vest and pants with a few rings and other ornaments, as well as hidden pockets for potions, alchemical mixtures, and arcane focus's.

Specialized Equipment

  • His staff contains his blood vial arcane focus and his artificers focus.
  • Homunculus Servant 
  • Periapt of Wound Closure - in case he goes down with no one around.
  • Ring of Mind Shielding - in case he dies with people far away.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • A 3rd generation displaced refugee from the Feywild exodus after the Spell Plague, Arri grew up in a settlement on Mt. Hotenow just north of Neverwinter comprised primarily of flying races. The proximity to Neverwinter allowed for regular examination and tutelage in artifice and, with the reclamation of Gauntlgrym by the dwarves, they were in no shortage of supplies to practice with.
  • As the settlement produced their airships, Arri's intelligence and artificer skill got him chosen to be one of the first captains. Eventually he earned enough money trading to buy the ship outright. Working with Gredmar, he continues to develop improvements for The Wandering Roost and her crew.
  • While working to purchase The Wandering Roost, Arri and the crew were contracted by the Windblown in a rescue of an imprisoned nobleman, and after a successful rescue and escape, the two groups began to work together. Skip to several years later and The Highest Sea Shipping Co. Contracts almost exclusively with the Windblown, with Arri having been brought on as a full member.
  • The crew has been stable for several years now. Brighteyes and Gredmar are old childhood friends from the Mt. Hotenow settlement, while Kithne, Everec and Raef joined a year or two into the journey.
  • On one of the voyages south they made a pretty substantial enemy of a Calimshani noble lord. Aside from putting a huge bounty on their heads in Calimshan, the lord used a wish spell from one of his djinnis to curse arri with the weakness the lord viewed him as having. As of yet no restorative magic has been able to cure him of this affliction but it has had a side effect of granting Arri storm sorcery, at the cost of his wings and general constitution and strength. While the sickness is extremely dangerous, the magic has had a great deal of use with the aerial nature of most of their combat encounters. Its been theorized as long as the Djinni in question is alive to maintain its wish, the magic won't be able to be dispelled for any substantial length of time.
  • Sexuality

    Heterosexual but generally too consumed by work and research to think about it.


    Grew up working around airship yards so he's familiar with the construction and operation of airships. General artifice and piloting.


    The Highest Sea and Windblown provide a good deal of business.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    • Being the first to own one of the new airship models, and working to buy The Wandering Roost.
    • Assembling the crew and keeping them together with steady work

    Failures & Embarrassments

    Drawing the attention of the Calimshani council was a careless mistake he paid dearly for, and could have cost his crew and the rest of the windblown a lot more if they had been identified.

    Mental Trauma

    The curse has been pretty detrimental to Arri's overall well being. Thought he's learned to cope, the loss of his wings hit hard. While he can still fly with his sorcery its not the same. Being constantly exhausted and too weak to contribute to most of the physical work on the ship (loading, unloading, piloting, etc.) has also left him quietly ashamed of himself, though none of the rest of the crew think any less of him.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Arri is intelligent and charismatic. He identifies problems and is able to workshop solutions quickly, though he tends to get ahead of himself. He relies on his crew to stabilize and slow down his sometimes overly quick mind. He tends to stumble with failure but being in a position of leadership has tempered his tendency to overreact.

    Morality & Philosophy

    The crew over everything, but in general try to not do too much harm to people who don't deserve it.



    Personality Characteristics


    • Making every adventure as interesting as possible
    • Taking care of his crew

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    • Airship navigation and repair
    • A natural leader
    • Memorization
    • Cooking
    • Telling jokes
    • Athletics

    Likes & Dislikes

    • Orchestrating complicated plans
    • Cats
    • Cards
    • Cooking
    • Arrogance
    • Open water
    • Being challenged

    Vices & Personality flaws

    Has trouble watching his mouth when he's antagonized or is addressed by someone he doesn't like.

    Personality Quirks

    Has to stop to rest often



    Captain (Important)

    Towards Gredmar




    Crewmate (Important)

    Towards Arri




    Arri and Gredmar met when Arri was young and Gredmar was new the village. They became aquainted as they were both involved with airship creation for the Hotenow village. Along with Brighteyes the three learned all the skills necessary to pilot, maintain and run an airship crew. Arri and Brighteyes grew up with Gredmar as a combination cool uncle / veteran co-worker.


    Captain (Vital)

    Towards BrightEyes




    Crewmate (Vital)

    Towards Arri




    Arri and Brighteyes are childhood best friends. They are both the children of feywild refugees and there was no upper limit to the amount of trouble the pair could get into. Luckily for the Mt. Hotenow settlement, there was no end of work to do as the population geared up as a major player in the airship building industry and the two have been working together ever since.


    Captain (Important)

    Towards Kithne




    Crewmate (Important)

    Towards Arri




    Their relationship started with a very utilitarian aspect. Arri immediately saw the value of having someone who could talk their way into/out of trouble on the crew and Kithne could see the value in being able to run very quickly from whatever trouble he talked himself into. It wasn't until Kithne almost died luring guards away from a warehouse to help get back The Roost, and Arri took the fall and subsequent brutal magical curse for the rest of his crew that the two actually crossed the bridge into respecting each other for who they were.


    Captain (Vital)

    Towards Raef




    Crewmate (Vital)

    Towards Arri




    Raef and Arri got along well together from the start. They came from such wildly different backgrounds and had equally different skill sets. As such, Arri came to value Raef's unique criminal insights when making decisions for the crew. Nothing romantic ever came of this but they did form a quiet bond over the magical transformations of their bodies their relationship has evolved to be each others knowing confidant.


    Captain (Important)

    Towards Evrec




    Crewmate (Important)

    Towards Arri




    Arri wasn't wild about Evrec when they first met but his repeatedly putting himself into danger and his big himbo energy make it hard not to like the guy. Everec started this job as just another way to follow Waukeens edicts but over the course of the adventures he came to trust Arri's decision making and respect his willingness to sacrifice for the crew. They're now good friends and shoot the shit over drinks and Arri's cooking.

    Currently Boarded Vehicle
    Date of Birth
    30 Eleasis, 1463 DR
    Ice blue with purple sclrea
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Gray feathers
    Owned Vehicles
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations
    Known Languages
    Common, Primordial, Sylvan
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