Golden Lords Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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Heads of State of Vesperin


Vesperin was ruled by the Golden Lords, an oligarchic council of the richest and most influential and powerful merchants in the land. The title "Golden Lord" was granted to all council members, regardless of gender. The membership fluctuated with its members' fortunes, but the council itself remained stable and acted consistently and reliably. They worked to preserve a status quo and to ensure a basic quality of life for the people of Vesperin.   The Golden Lords were based in Tantras, the capital city of Vesperin. It comprised three major cities: Calaunt, Tantras, and Ravens Bluff.
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


The Windblown have been contracted out by one of the Ravens Bluff Council (who answer to the golden lords), Cyclone Sinaran but the rest do not know about their involvement. Seteth believes Vesperin could be an extremely lucrative market to break into and wants to wind the loyalty of Sinaran while raising her standing to guarantee further contracts. A variety of her team are in place already laying the groundwork for these operations.


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