A1 - Bad Ale

General Summary

A1 - Bad Ale

1496.SU.15   After a number of months the party conclude their business and one by one return to Tresandor Manor. After a brief catch up during breakfast after the morning all the members were reunited. However, Beric Chamberpot is straight down to business and begins the first session of the company annual meeting. The first order of business is to formally vote on the name for the company. The result is unanimous "Phandalin and District Shipping Company". Beric also covers issues such as wages, income and outgoings. The party needs another 100 Gold Coins per month to break even. With this in mind and the opportunity find further riches the party agree to travel to Leilon as suggested by Lord Dagult Neverember. The journey takes about 3 days, however there is a well known Inn half way.   When arriving at the Wayside Inn it is late and the sun has long set. In the distance the party see zombies banging on the shutters and doors of the inn. The group quickly dispatch the mindless shambles, however as soon as they do two wraiths appear and begin to suck the life from the adventurers. With only a minute to spare Mordai is saved before he succumbs to a terrible fate. Before entering the inn the group inspect the zombies remains and find that they all have skull branded on their foreheads.   Once inside the Wayside Inn the party find the drinkers cowering behind upturned tables and holding improvised weapons like forks and ladles. Once they realise that the threat has been dealt with the patrons either quickly exit or stay to offer the party a drink. The group are introduced to Martisha a stern woman who owns the Inn. She offers the group a free room for the night as thanks. Cooragh a half orc cook provides free spicy pies to fill their bellies. Whilst Maple is speaking to a Bard Tarbin Tul, telling him of her adventurers in the Feywild and Shadowfell. Captain Albert strikes up a conversation with the barman Backes. Raziel however in the meantime decides to spend her coin with Teega, a blacksmith. She purchases a beautifully crafted full plate armour embossed with lightening bolts. After speaking for a couple of hours the group decide it is time for sleep.

Rewards Granted

Full Plate armour - Decorated with Lightening bolt

Missions/Quests Completed

Journey to Wayside Inn and stay the evening before heading off to Leilon.   Kill the Undead threat attacking the Wayside Inn

Character(s) interacted with

Beric Chamberpot - Major Domo to Phandalin and District Shipping Company   Martisha Vinetalker - Owner of the Wayside Inn   Cooragh Struckt - Half Orc Cook, proud of her spicy pies   Backes Dunfield - Human barman, old retired sailor   Teega - Female human, Blacksmith at the Wayside Inn. Old retired Sailor.   Tarbin Tul - Half Elf wandering Bard
Big Trouble in Little Leilon
Report Date
01 Aug 2023
Primary Location
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