A11 - Joy Ride

General Summary

A11 - Joy Ride

1496.SU.44   Now returned to Leilon the party split up to carry out their own tasks. Mordai spends his time at the house of Thalivar with Gallieo researching for the rune to reanimated the stone statues at Tresandor Manor. His intention to us the animated stone statues as protection after the recent attack. He also came across a dispell magic spell which in turn he memorizes. Albert the grafter, works with the builders repairing the houses and shops of Leilon. During this he is able to pick up additional information and rumours regarding creatures seen at Leilon point and Valdi Estapaar the fisher and person in charge of commerce may know some captains who could transport the party to the recently uncovered Cult of Talos Hideout.   Maple and Raziel in a moment of rebellion “borrow” the Iron Fist and head to Neverwinter to carry out their research into the God Talos and Myrkul. On route they pass over the location where the map indicated the Talos Cult hideout was. Below they could see a large cave entrance in the side of the sea cliffs. Large waves batter the cliffs and the dangerous cliffs tower over the entrance. Arriving at the docks of Neverwinter the Iron Fist dock into water at the bay. With Raziels experience she knows the best to go is straight to the House of Knowledge.   Inside the great library the pair speak to ? who directs them to the aisle when they can find the relevant books. Whilst looking through the never ending rows of books the pair manage to find information on both the gods and vital information on their goals and intentions. Maple whilst not as academic as Raziel thumbs through many books, most not relevant, when she comes across and interesting tomb, the Joy of Extradimensional Spaces. The fancy cover has a bronze likeness of Mordenkainen, catches Maple attention as she opens the book. Notes are scribbled all over the pages. Reading out aloud Maple resights the script and a purple light flashes and a translucent door appears from no where. Curious the pair test the handle to fin the door is unlocked, stepping inside.   Infront of them they find the beautiful corridor of a well kept building. Searching around the various rooms the pair realise that apart from two cats and two homunculi there are no other persons inside. Looking around the rooms they find a huge library, a small patio which reveals that the house is floating in space. Through out the various well decorated and clean rooms the pair begin to find books with glowing letters on the binding. After slowly inspecting each room maple decided to speak to one of the cats and found that it was a familiar of a wizard Fistandia. The wizard had been using the magical mansion to carry out her studies, however she had not returned for a long time and the homunculi were instructed to clean the mansion and feed the pet cats.   After fighting a number of enchanted books and book cases the pair manage to find the remaining letter and solve the command word to leave the mansion. Upon emerging on the other side they are met with a scribe who explains he has been looking for the book to take it to Candlekeep. The pair still a little stunned from the transition agree and watch the scribe scoop up the book and disappear down the aisles.   Returning on the airship with their knowledge of the two gods and their goals.
Big Trouble in Little Leilon
Report Date
16 Aug 2023
Primary Location