House of Knowledge

The House of Knowledge is both a library and the primary temple to Oghma in the city of Neverwinter. Architecturally, it is regarded as one of the most impressive and beautiful structures in the city – featuring abundant windows and an impressive arched roof. Its vast libraries contain many centuries worth of precious records and materials, including modern government documentation as the city lacks a formal seat of government at present.


Like so much of Neverwinter, the House of Knowledge suffered near total destruction with the eruption of Mount Hotenow in 1451 DR. A dedicated young Loremaster, Atlavast, saved much of the library’s precious contents by sealing away the temple’s inner sanctum and trapping himself inside. Alone and in solitude, Atlavast managed to survive the cataclysm and save multitudes of rare tomes, documents, and artifacts. However, he soon grew reclusive and a little mad from the isolation. He spent his time repeatedly cataloging and reorganizing the library. He grew extremely protective of the content. During this time, the outer sections of the House of Knowledge were taken over by various squatters, including the devil-worshipping Ashmadai cultists.   Since the chasm’s sealing, the faithful of Oghma have returned to the temple and work to restore it as a center of knowledge and learning. The stern Grand Scribe Spivey Liethennson now oversees the House’s reconstruction with an Iron Fist and short temper. The House of Knowledge’s exterior has already been largely restored, though much restoration work remains underway on the interior. Still, the house has once again become a functional location for those seeking local lore and records.
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