A6 - Rock Seeking

General Summary

ACT 6 - Rock Seeking

1496.WI.72   By now the party had done a good job in bringing the majority of Phandalin's outlining citizens back inside the relative safety of the town. They now only remained the dwarven miners which had been working near the Sword Mountains. Heading down the path past the Phandalin Miners Exchange towards the mountains the day seemed clear and not a cloud in the sky, perfect dragon spotting weather.   The half a days journey to the excavation site went with incident the party soon came across a large cave enterance. Inside the ruined signs of building could be found along the edges. Moving into the area the party could see a dwarf dumping rubble outside what appeared to be a large gatehouse. The dwarf was Nundro Rockseeker, a brother too their employer Gundren Rockseeker. Quickly realising that his brother Tharden Rockseeker had been trapped further in the excavation the party moved into the ruins.   Originally the brothers thought that they had found an old temple, but when Tharden had cleared corridor it lead to the true prize, the lost Dwarven stronghold Axeholm. Situated deep in the mountain the castle had been lost hundreds of years ago. However before Tharden and Nundro could continue their digging the corridor collapsed trapping Tharden on the other side.   As the party moved through the gate house an ooze like substance spilt from an alter and attached itself to the party attacking them. The tricky sticky substance was difficult to budge and it appeared to resist a lot of the physical damage. However after a few well placed fireball spells from Mordai the ooze was defeated and the group was able to begin work uncovering the collapsed corridor. After some while they were able to squeeze through a gap to Tharden who was now in complete awe of Axeholm.   Seeing an opportunity for riches and to explore the fabled Axeholm the party ventured forward. They were very quickly met by huge portcullises which blocked the path. However with the strength of everyone behind it they were able to lift the heavy barrier enough to squeeze through and use the lever. Inside the area was full of debris and dust which had not be disturbed in hundreds of years. Slowly the group begun to explore opening doors revealing rooms, storage and workshops. Most treasure had rusted and been moth eaten, however there a were few trinkets and gold.   Whilst unlocking a huge door the party were faced with a horde of dwarven zombies, the former occupants locked away. Immediatley the horder stuttered to life creeping forward for the temptation of flesh. Albert charging into the fray was quickly surrounded and almost succumb to the clawing hands and biting teeth. Raziel was able to turn the undead buying Albert a few spare moments. Cornered and vastly outnumbered a full plate knight appears from a room, shouting obscenities at the zombies and charges head long into the flank of the horde. With the additional help the party are able to gain the upper hand. However surrounded the armoured knight slowly begins to take grievous wounds, including loosing arms and legs. Trying their best to reach the knight the party slay the remaining zombies. To their surprise the beheaded helmet appears to continue to talk, however on closer inspection it was in fact an enchanted sword Ruin who was talking. He explains he had been buried in the tomb for hundreds of years just waiting for an opportunity to escape.   With Axeholm cleared of zombies the group took the decision to use Axelhom as an evacuation site for Phandalin in the event Cryovain was to attack or become more bold. On the journey back to Phandalin the party explained to the Rockseeker brothers the Gundren had been captured and they were going to try liberate him.

Rewards Granted

15 gemstones (150 Gold) Gold signet ring (10 Gold) Potion of superior healing Gauntlets of Ogre power Enchanted sword Ruin

Missions/Quests Completed

Bring the remaining citizens on the out skirts of Phandalin back into the village. Find and clear Axeholm of undead zombie dwarves.

Character(s) interacted with

Nundro Rockseeker - Brother to Gundren Rockseeker, miner and excuvator.   Tharden Rockseeker - Brother of Gundren Rockseeker, miner and excuvator.   Ruin - An ancient enchanted sword trapped inside Axeholm.
Restoration of Phandalin
Report Date
27 Jul 2023
Primary Location
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